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In Matthew Arnold's 'An essay on Marcus Aurelius' he points out an observation made by Mill from his book on 'Liberty' that "Christian morality is in great part merely a protest against paganism; its ideal is negative rather than positive, passive rather than active." He points out that in most aspects it falls short of the morality of the ancients. Arnold's response to this it to compare the writings of Stoic philosophers with that of Christian Apostles, in the sense that human life has a goal and living is the striving towards the goal. Beautiful quotes from Epictetus and Aurelius follow only to be again followed by even more beautiful quotes from the Old and New Testaments. The distinction Arnold makes in his essay is not the validity of one over the other ( Christian vs. Pagan ) but rather that "But the moral rules, apprehended as ideas first, and then rigorously followed as laws, are, and must be, for the sages only. The mass of mankind have neither force of intellect enough to apprehend them clearly, as ideas, nor force of character enough to follow them strictly as laws. The mass of mankind can be carried along a course full of hardship for the natural man, can be borne over the thousand impediments of the narrow way, only by the tide of joyful and bounding emotion. It is impossible to rise from the reading Epictetus or Marcus Aurelius without a sense of constraint and melancholy, without felling that the burden laid upon man is well-nigh greater than he can bear. Honor to the sages, this sense of labor and sorrow in his march towards the goal constitutes a relative inferiority; the noblest souls of whatever creed, the pagan Empedocles as well as the Christian Paul, have insisted on the necessity of an inspiration, a joyful emotion, to make moral action perfect; an obscure indication of this necessity is the one drop of faith in the ocean of verbiage with which the controversy on justification by faith has flooded the world. But for the ordinary man, this sense of labor and sorrow constitutes an absolute disqualification; it paralyses him; under the weight of it, he cannot make way towards the goal at all. The paramount virtue of religion is that it has lighted up morality; that it has supplied the emotion and inspiration needful for carrying the sage along the narrow way perfectly, for carrying the ordinary man along it at all.
This observation by Arnold is full of tremendous implications if true. What thoughts do the members have of these implications?