Reality is not real in the sense that other things we call real most often occupy space and time,how tangiable is an emotion,an idea, these cannot be said to be out there in the objective world as objective reality these are subjective qualities.These things you spoke of, the chair,the rules of baseball or morality these all cease to exist in the absence of a subject,they are NOT part of objective reality.So,that which is subjective ceases to be when the subject ceases to be.That thing inside you that is horrified at the torturous burning of a cat is your humanity,it is compassion and the only thing that removes you from the jungle,it too is a subjective quality.
"Morality is not objectively real."
We are agreed,morality is not objectively real.
"So we've distinguished two kinds of reality: objective (independent) and social (dependent). I'd like to suggest that we are as dependent on social reality as social reality is on us - that we could not
be what we
are independent of the social fabric - that social reality is essential to our ontology."
Actually there is the objective and there is the subjective and only a mix of the two gives us reality,apparent reality.We possiably at some time in our evolutionary history were not social creature,perhaps back to the time of the tidal pool,but you are of course right,we are dependent upon our social structure and our social structure is dependent upon us as content,to take its form.What is content without form,or form without content,hard to imagine,flows right through the fingers of my mind.
"Unfortunately, ugly yet very powerful remnants of an outdated conceptual framework condition us into thinking that objective reality is the only legitimate or real reality, dumping everything else into the abyss of mere illusion. But let's resist the dictates of The (academic) Man for a moment and critically reflect on the concept of "objective reality". "Objective reality" involves the notion that there lies a reality "out there", independent of our pesky selves, pregnant with truth. The eternal project of science and traditional philosophy, among other intellectual pursuits, has been to access this "other" reality through detached, reductive analysis and reasoning. Now, by it's very definition we can only ever know this reality through representation (as in the "laws" of physics) constructed using materials of our non-objective reality (such as language); thus the reality of objective reality will never be more than the pseudo-reality of a diagram in a textbook. Reality is the fabric of our existence. To talk about the primacy of a reality that can never be real to us, except in a secondhand kind of way, is senseless."
You have placed your finger on the pluse.Apparently reality is said to be an illusion for a very good reason,the first of which is the fact the our senses not only inable but also limit our perceptions,it is one perspective of an unknown quantity of perspectives,thus it is said that we cannot ever know,The Thing In Itself.The thing in itself would be the ultimate reality unconditioned by any cognitive process,so you see,by defination it is quite impossiable.
"So when philosophers ask the question in meta-ethics, "is morality real?", they're actually asking, "is morality objectively real?", meanwhile assuming that objective reality is the only legitimate kind of reality. But because "objective" and "subjective" reality coalesce, the very question that ignites the debate contians baggage which predetermines certain skewed conclusions."
For the above,always keep in mind that once you remove consciouness,in other words the subject,the screen goes blank,there is nothing.All you can know is that which is subjective,nothing absolutely nothing else is possiable to be known,as soon as you state known,you state, subjective.