My Theory on Destiny

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Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2010 07:54 am

I am a person who likes to think about life. It's something I deeply appreciate as every single one of us is given the chance to experience our own journey through life on this beautiful planet we live on. For those who don't appreciate their lives are foolish because they can't see past themselves to see the light, the magic, this gift we are given when we are born - to live. I have always said to myself that, "Life is a game", in my theory and opinion anyway. I will now share with you all my theory on Destiny.

My Theory

Well, my concept is based upon my saying, "Life is a game". Life is one long timeline for us, on this timeline there are infinity amount of paths. We have our own line and we are played through these paths by our player, Destiny. I say our future is pre-determined; destiny can over look our whole life timeline from our past, present and future. I sometimes think that if we were able to manipulate time-travel we would be cheating and destiny will punish us, hence why in our day and age we cannot send someone back in time or to the future because destiny won't allow us to discover this cheat. I say we are not meant to discover this and I also say that we shouldn't.


Could you imagine being offered the opportunity to see your future? What if in a weeks' time you see yourself dead? You would be spending the next seven days wondering how you would lead up to your death - horrible. On the other hand you may see yourself on a beach made of money - nice, but then you have nothing left to discover. We don't know what comes next, isn't that exciting.

We live day by day not knowing what the day will bring for us, we are constantly moving forward on our timeline, we can never go back but only forward. Our journey is destined to be a constant discovery. So as we are always moving forward on our timeline destiny controls what path we take. As I mentioned earlier, there are infinite amount of paths that branch away from our timeline.


Well, I think we are all connected on this world one way or another and it's these connections that form our paths. Destiny controls where we go and our path is specific. Each and every one of us takes a different path; we all have our unique paths. If human 1 took the same path as human 2, then human 1 calved the way for human 2 therefore leaving human 2 without the mystery of discovering its life. It would be like walking along a path in pitch black, you can't see where you're going and all of a sudden a big ass light is turned on enabling to see everything in front of you, where is excitement in that? So back to our own individual paths, we all have our own path, destiny moves us through these paths which open and close doors on events in our life. Now I will explain this in a more detail.

My own example.

When I was in school I never knew what I wanted to do until I was about 13 I guess. I realised that I wanted to work in the theatre industry as lighting designer. So after school I went to college and signed up to do a technical theatre course. My 18 months in college were the most challenging ever but at the same time, fantastic. Six months from passing I became ill with anxiety because of stress due to college. I was unable to continue and made the toughest choice in my life to leave. Now, destiny took me onto the path of college and then decided to take from this path onto another. I believe I was never meant to complete that course that is what was always suppose to happen to me. Perhaps in a few years time destiny may decide to put in that direction again, I don't know. But as humans we have will power, I could have struggled to complete that course because our destiny would enable us to do so but in my situation that didn't happen.

Destiny VS Our own emotional choices.

This is going to be quite tricky to explain but I will do my best. Now some of you may be thinking this is a bit confusing but don't forget it's my theory. Now as humans we have emotions that can influence our decisions, our feelings, and our actions. How does destiny get involved if it controls our fate? We as humans are destined have these feelings, if you make a decision based upon your feelings destiny would have made us feel like this. At the moment I'm in a good mood, this is because I am meant to be. I am writing this blog based upon what I feel, this is suppose to happen, and I was always going to write this. Do you kind of get what I mean? We all have our emotions but we control them and destiny knows what's happening and what's going to happen. The bottom line is: destiny knows every single little thing we do in life.

What exactly is destiny?

Yeah, what is destiny exactly? Based upon of what I've said, I personally think destiny is a like a universal power which has always been there since the big bang. Destiny is some sort of repetitive power in our universe. Eh? Yeah let me explain with an easy example: I had an operation when I was 8 years old to have gromits put in my ear. If I had avoided that and got better I would simply not had it. If that had happened, some point later on my timeline I would HAVE to have an operation. So what I'm trying to say is, I was ALWAYS suppose to have an operation in my life but it's the matter of when? OK. So I'm sure you have heard of a theory that the universe of time and space always has a way to course correct it's self? NO, look it up. I think destiny as a universe power works alongside time and space. If the universe has a way of course correcting it's self, it hires destiny to take over and lead us to a path where we follow a course to be corrected. Confused? You should be, time and space is difficult to understand but I find it interesting and I have researched this topic to a basic understanding to write this article on my theory of destiny.

Dreams VS Destiny.

Yes I have nearly finished my random theory on destiny but without inspiration I would have not been able to write this. If you are a fan of LOST and keep up-to-date then you will see the approach I have taken. Read up on time and space, it's not a geeky subject it's interesting, and the theories behind it are amazing. It's amazing with what people come up with, it really does astonish me. Over the last two years I have come to terms with the fact that I had to leave college. I was doing the course I loved and I was gearing up to study in London. This was taken away from me in a matter of months and I came out with nothing. This was like a dream to me. I don't believe in dreams coming true as such. I have always wanted to work in the entertainment industry either as a theatre technician or film maker. One of my dreams is to become a director. But I can have these dreams because we are suppose to, it's part of our journey. There are millions of film makers out there who want to become a director the same as me. We are all following similar paths but not all of us will get there, no matter how hard you work, no matter how hard you try and no matter how good you are you may never ever reach that goal because perhaps you were never meant to do that despite our dreams and goals. I know I will never probably be a film director because destiny says no. Maybe I am suppose to do something different but only I can discover that. On the other hand I kind of believe in dreams coming true, yes ok I may be contradicting myself here but it makes a balanced argument. I had always wanted to go to New York and last year I did! That was a dream and it came true. Because my theory is theory I don't know if destiny took me there.


We all have our ideas and we all wonder what we are doing here. And our theories: I am not right, you are not right, nobody is right. I am not wrong, you are not wrong, nobody is wrong. We are here for a reason I suppose but one thing is for sure, we are always destined to die.

Thank you very much for taking time out to read my first post - much appreciated.

Please ask me any questions you wish. Here are some to start you off:

What is a suitable definition for Destiny?
Does Destiny actually exist?
What is Destiny?
Are we all individualy connected to eachother?
Is it possible to time travel?
mark noble
Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2010 09:01 am
@The Joker006,
The Joker006 wrote:

I am a person who likes to think about life. It's something I deeply appreciate as every single one of us is given the chance to experience our own journey through life on this beautiful planet we live on. For those who don't appreciate their lives are foolish because they can't see past themselves to see the light, the magic, this gift we are given when we are born - to live. I have always said to myself that, "Life is a game", in my theory and opinion anyway. I will now share with you all my theory on Destiny.

My Theory

Well, my concept is based upon my saying, "Life is a game". Life is one long timeline for us, on this timeline there are infinity amount of paths. We have our own line and we are played through these paths by our player, Destiny. I say our future is pre-determined; destiny can over look our whole life timeline from our past, present and future. I sometimes think that if we were able to manipulate time-travel we would be cheating and destiny will punish us, hence why in our day and age we cannot send someone back in time or to the future because destiny won't allow us to discover this cheat. I say we are not meant to discover this and I also say that we shouldn't.


Could you imagine being offered the opportunity to see your future? What if in a weeks' time you see yourself dead? You would be spending the next seven days wondering how you would lead up to your death - horrible. On the other hand you may see yourself on a beach made of money - nice, but then you have nothing left to discover. We don't know what comes next, isn't that exciting.

We live day by day not knowing what the day will bring for us, we are constantly moving forward on our timeline, we can never go back but only forward. Our journey is destined to be a constant discovery. So as we are always moving forward on our timeline destiny controls what path we take. As I mentioned earlier, there are infinite amount of paths that branch away from our timeline.


Well, I think we are all connected on this world one way or another and it's these connections that form our paths. Destiny controls where we go and our path is specific. Each and every one of us takes a different path; we all have our unique paths. If human 1 took the same path as human 2, then human 1 calved the way for human 2 therefore leaving human 2 without the mystery of discovering its life. It would be like walking along a path in pitch black, you can't see where you're going and all of a sudden a big ass light is turned on enabling to see everything in front of you, where is excitement in that? So back to our own individual paths, we all have our own path, destiny moves us through these paths which open and close doors on events in our life. Now I will explain this in a more detail.

My own example.

When I was in school I never knew what I wanted to do until I was about 13 I guess. I realised that I wanted to work in the theatre industry as lighting designer. So after school I went to college and signed up to do a technical theatre course. My 18 months in college were the most challenging ever but at the same time, fantastic. Six months from passing I became ill with anxiety because of stress due to college. I was unable to continue and made the toughest choice in my life to leave. Now, destiny took me onto the path of college and then decided to take from this path onto another. I believe I was never meant to complete that course that is what was always suppose to happen to me. Perhaps in a few years time destiny may decide to put in that direction again, I don't know. But as humans we have will power, I could have struggled to complete that course because our destiny would enable us to do so but in my situation that didn't happen.

Destiny VS Our own emotional choices.

This is going to be quite tricky to explain but I will do my best. Now some of you may be thinking this is a bit confusing and a lot of old bollocks but don't forget it's my theory. Now as humans we have emotions that can influence our decisions, our feelings, and our actions. How does destiny get involved if it controls our fate? We as humans are destined have these feelings, if you make a decision based upon your feelings destiny would have made us feel like this. At the moment I'm in a good mood, this is because I am meant to be. I am writing this blog based upon what I feel, this is suppose to happen, and I was always going to write this. Do you kind of get what I mean? We all have our emotions but we control them and destiny knows what's happening and what's going to happen. The bottom line is: destiny knows every single little thing we do in life.

What exactly is destiny?

Yeah, what is destiny exactly? Based upon of what I've said, I personally think destiny is a like a universal power which has always been there since the big bang. Destiny is some sort of repetitive power in our universe. Eh? Yeah let me explain with an easy example: I had an operation when I was 8 years old to have gromits put in my ear. If I had avoided that and got better I would simply not had it. If that had happened, some point later on my timeline I would HAVE to have an operation. So what I'm trying to say is, I was ALWAYS suppose to have an operation in my life but it's the matter of when? OK. So I'm sure you have heard of a theory that the universe of time and space always has a way to course correct it's self? NO, look it up. I think destiny as a universe power works alongside time and space. If the universe has a way of course correcting it's self, it hires destiny to take over and lead us to a path where we follow a course to be corrected. Confused? You should be, time and space is difficult to understand but I find it interesting and I have researched this topic to write this article on my theory of destiny.

Dreams VS Destiny.

Yes I have nearly finished my random theory on destiny but without inspiration I would have not been able to write this. If you are a fan of LOST and keep up-to-date then you will see the approach I have taken. Read up on time and space, it's not a geeky subject it's interesting, and the theories behind it are amazing. It's amazing with what people come up with, it really does astonish me. Over the last two years I have come to terms with the fact that I had to leave college. I was doing the course I loved and I was gearing up to study in London. This was taken away from me in a matter of months and I came out with bugger all. This was like a dream to me. I don't believe in dreams coming true as such. I have always wanted to work in the entertainment industry either as a theatre technician or film maker. One of my dreams is to become a director - a bloody good one too. But I can have these dreams because we are suppose to, it's part of our journey. There are millions of film makers out there who want to become a director the same as me. We are all following similar paths but not all of us will get there, no matter how hard you work, no matter how hard you try and no matter how good you are you may never ever reach that goal because perhaps you were never meant to do that despite our dreams and goals. I know I will never probably be a film director because destiny says no. Maybe I am suppose to do something different but only I can discover that. On the other hand I kind of believe in dreams coming true, yes ok I may be contradicting myself here but it makes a balanced argument. I had always wanted to go to New York and last year I did! That was a dream and it came true. Because my theory is theory I don't know is destiny took me there.


Well I'm glad to say I've snapped out of that argument and realised it's all just a theory. We all have our ideas and we all wonder what we are doing here. And our theories: I am not right, you are not right, nobody is right. I am not wrong, you are not wrong, nobody is wrong. We are here for a reason I suppose but one thing is for sure, we are always destined to die.

Flipping heck! Haven't missed anything out, have you? I'll have to take a week off work to digest all that.
So let's sum it up - aaaAAArrGHHH...
See you tomorrow, we'll break it down a bit.
Have an extrovert evening, my friend.
The Joker006
Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2010 09:19 am
@mark noble,
Hey Mark!!!

Yes we will discuss tomorrow. Yep it's long. And well done for learning how to quote.

mark noble
Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2010 09:29 am
@The Joker006,
The Joker006 wrote:
Hey Mark!!!

Yes we will discuss tomorrow. Yep it's long. And well done for learning how to quote.

Thank you for your support, but it's multiquoting I haven't yet mastered, not 'Quoting'. Nevermind - Any additiions to your thread? NO! only kidding...


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  3. » My Theory on Destiny
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