Mon 17 May, 2010 12:49 pm
Is it not solely the opinion of the beholder of the judgment of someone to be a hypo maniac? If so, could we agree that if the person in agreement to the opinion holder or judge could either choose to acknowledge all or some symptoms said to belong to hypomania to be either apparent or non-existing in observing the hypo maniac, to be only bias opinions as a results to the beholders perceptions on his world around him. If we (anyone who chooses to discuss this with me) can agree on this, does it not make a diagnosis from a "said" expert such as a doctor, only an opinion? And if so, why does so much of the population confide in doctors for mental and physical health analysis if these opinions are only a series of educated guesses coupled with processes of eliminations every Tom, Dick, and Harry are capable of.
This seems an old question. Still, I find myself puzzled as to why we misunderstand so much around us knowing (for those who agree) that we mostly see what we want to see. Although, some still try so hard to access these mystery's and label ideas as our own perception of those ideas. Yes, it is fun sometimes. To think that is. But it also complicates things to a, in my opinion, creation of singularity in thought for some, and can be passed down for the next generation's false logic and vain aspirations.
Thanks again.