Let us observe for a moment what all mighty WIKI has to say on the subject:
"Wisdom is a deep understanding of people, things, events or situations, resulting in the ability to choose or act to consistently produce the optimum results with a minimum of time and energy. Wisdom is the ability to optimally (effectively and efficiently) apply perceptions and knowledge and so produce the desired results.
Wisdom is comprehension of what is true or right coupled with optimum judgment as to action. (?) Synonyms include: sagacity, discernment, or insight. Wisdom often requires control of one's emotional reactions (the "passions") so that one's principles, reason and knowledge prevail to determine one's actions".
Many will say WIKI doesn't know everything, but they are surely trying to define it, huh! They give new meaning to what comprehensive is, ha! We will never be able to do that. In the above quote allow me point out a discrepancy that has always been a discrepancy. The sentence highlighted is wrong and always has been. "Wisdom is the comprehension of what is true or right coupled with OPTIMUM JUDGMENT AS TO ACTION"?
Wisdom is the ability to understand, not to judge! There should be no judgment unless one knows ALL there is to know about that they are judging. No ONE knows that so not action could be taken. What action is, is wrong if one does not know all there is to know. Always has been and always will be as long as we judge. So what are we to do?
We have to understand what we are dealing with? NO. We have to understand what we are working with? NO. We must strive to understand what we have now. Not what we did; not what we will do........WHAT WE HAVE NOW. That is what we must focus our attention on and it starts with each and every ONE of US is such away we DO NOT DISTURB each other. Can we do that? Hmmm? I think that is the only way. If so then where do we start? Out of the mouths of babes? ABSOLUTELY, please, no question about it! Let's discuss it, shall we. Who is he who is what we call an adult who hasn't been there themselves. Who, Who, who? Ha!