Infovore;129977 wrote:Other means that this can be viewed:
Mind vs heart;
Thinking vs feeling;
Judging vs perception;
Rights vs feelings
Are these modes separable?
With the exception of "Judging vs perception" - I would say yes, each of those modes are separable.
Don't see how you can judge separate from your perception, isn't judgement based on perceived thoughts?
[/QUOTE]Which of these is of more importance?[/QUOTE]
Importance is subjective to each example -- more important would likely be based on which is likely to get us our hoped for result. If you think of yourself as an emotional person, and are pleased with that idea, it is more likely then not that you will value the emotional mode more, correct?
[/QUOTE]Is an intelligent decision not based on emotional motivation?[/QUOTE]
Yes, it does appear that we have an emotional motivation behind even our most intelligent decision. Infact, rare is the person who knows him/herself well enough to know how much importance to give the emotional connect.
[/QUOTE]And are emotional sensibilities not a product of the innate intellect?[/QUOTE]
No sure what an innate intellect is. Smarts we are unaware of having?
Those times when the after thought is that it was an innact reaction do not seem to often be a part of our intellect at all.
[/QUOTE]Which is of greater concern and much more progressive?[/QUOTE]
My first response would be to have balance in all things. Just enough emotion and just enough intellect would appear to lead to a well balanced life. But then I had a Budhist thought about "enlightenment" -- and things get a little fussy from that view point.
[/QUOTE]Intellectual understanding versus emotional contentment? [/QUOTE]
Ahhh, the secret is to gain emotional contentment from intellectual understanding.