salima;125726 wrote:hello sometime-
did you mean the world or did you mean the people who live on it? i am not sure the world as a planet has much of a choice as to what it can do. if there was a choice i thought i would like to see it manage its weather a little better so there would be more areas that are temperate and comfortable to live and work in, but maybe that is not so good. the extremes it offers us in climate and geography allow for more variety in life and more challenges and more opportunities than a tepid world could.
i think kenneth is right, maybe going around the sun just as it is doing is about the best thing it can do.
and yet i would add to krumple's thoughts that we didnt really consume everything since nothing can be created or destroyed, it is all still here in another form. and the fact that the earth will again go back to the sun from whence it came is soothing and can sere as a reminder that we are all going back where we came from eventually no matter what we do here.
People choose that which the world can start being, but maybe more, maybe that the world could start being more than just the planet, maybe the world could become start being the mother we long her to be.
Maybe the world could start being more than our world, more than our home, maybe the world if it is asleep or hiding from us could wake up and start doing things for or against us, maybe the world could start to recognise itself.
Maybe the world could start telling us her children what it is that we need to do to be more welcome and safe in her bosom.
Maybe the world could start telling us where the buried treasure is.
Maybe the world could start to bring back all that we have taken away from it. The Dodo could be reinstated if the world was aware and wanted to start a renovation, start a new age, start a new start.
Maybe the world could start to give us more hours in the days of sunshine and bliss we know we have had before and always dream will be our morning.
Maybe the world could start to clean its own oceans and start to water the deserts and start to calm the waves.
Maybe it already does all this and maybe we just aren't willing or ready to start with it.
Maybe just enough, but could it and we be more, could the world start afresh with us ready to go with it where we know we can trust we can stay safe when we land when we find the ground and the legs to wlak upright.
Just about enough for the world, but is it enough for us?
Is the world enough for us?
Do we need the world to start being something we can save before we even start to do so?
Do we need the world to start to want us?
And if not, what new beginnings, fresh starts could we do for that which will never ask of us. But may only be able to demand of us when it is to late to save a world that only we wish it could speak.
Maybe we could start trying to save the world for more than just us, maybe we could start saving the world so it does not have to destroy us to save its self.
Maybe the world could start to save the world.
But it is only us who needs at this time to be saved, so why aren't we saving? why aren't we starting?