pantheras;125175 wrote:I think that we have to achieve more for ourselves. The wide-influence itself in fact doesnt really matter, because it would mean that personal invention putted on that act is less important.
The point is that - you do could influence more people, but in fact if more of them are affected, the more you are doing because of who they are, not because of who you are.
Why do we invent if it is not for mass consumption?
Why would it matter if we only told oursleves a secret and no one else ever heard it.
It would be unknown, it would be forgotten unless you could give it to someone else, more so to better the life and being of the ever but no quite all but close to all else.
You cant live just for the self, you must achieve to push the boundaries that are shared by all. We share boundaries, the ultimate goal is to not just free yourself but to free the entire world.
Can you ever invent for just your own usage?
If it helps you realise yourself it would almost be selfish not to give the gift to another.
'the more you are doing because of who they are, not because of who you are', not entirely true if at all, the best we can do is to prove ourselves to other more than just ourself, what is the point of self discovery of self achievment if you cant prove yourself to others.
The 'I' is not as important as the 'we'.
We are not born to be hidden away, we do not achieve to be better than others either, we do because of a you.
You are more important to me, if I am more important to you.
I want to show you the all of me but only if you can understand me.
What is the point of understanding only your own if it cant lead to others understanding you as well?
There is little point in the self if it cant be seen to be believed.
We are only we if we understand and trust each other, you cannot do this keeping things to yourself.
I am not sure if there is anything wrong with 'the more you are doing because of who they are, not because of who you are'.
Not everything needs to be about you, infact most of it isn't and shouldn't be.
The best achievement is for we more than me. It is more substantial. Reality is shared not just owned dont cha know?
I want to be loved more than i love. Selfish though it may sound, there it is. I want to be remembered for the good i brought to you more than forgotten for what i kept for myself.
The two to love and be loved are joined and to be and do one is to be and do the other better.
Equal measure of me for you, equal measure of you for me.
It is how peace and truth is achieved, combined effort.
Each one making the other one better bigger braver.
You will be better if you understand prove me, i will be better if i understand prove you.