manored;120029 wrote:I didnt quite understand, but I think information is never excessive =)
So i did not give enough information to begin with?
It means among other things that by the giving of personal information of that which affects/effects the self over the subject is ineffectual takes away from subject matter. Is my personal interpretaion of a law bigger or better than the subject of that law. Do i take away from it or do i add to it? Surely soemtimes personal interpretation information is better left unsaid, so as to not interfere with the integrity of the experiment?
Say that someone does not know the law, is it bigger better that i tell my interpretaion rather than lend them a book and let them make their own judgements before i give them mine and possibly taint the way they read the line of that law?
Can you give information that may take part of you or the subject away by the shedding of light where the information may be better off left in darkness?
Is ignorance ever better where total exposure can still take more away than it gives?
Just like your interpretations of this question, would it be good for me to tell you how to answer? among other things...