Done before i shall refresh;
What last words, deathbed, tombstone, epitaph, eulogy, obituary would like to leave behind? If behind is where you are left?
If it is not to personal? if it is dont answer.
What others have you heard that you like?
Deathbed, 'This is no time to make new enemies'
asked on his deathbed to foreswear satan
Spike Milligan;
Tombstone, 'I told you i was ill'
Dylan Thomas;
Deathbed, sitting up straight no doubt, 'I have just had eighteen whiskeys in a row. I do believe that is a record'.
And then he broke.
Karl Marx;
Deathbed, 'Go on, get out, Last words are for fools who haven't said enough.'
Death makes fools of us all.
James Thurber;
I think Deathbed, 'God bless.. God damn'
And then he was.
sometime sun;
Tombstone (not that i intend to be buried); 'Not unintelligent...'

, 'did try to be sometime', 'I was here',

'No more?', 'Still waiting'

, 'Once upon a time...'
My last words i suppose i wont know what until i reach them, or they reach me.
Would you prefer the last thought you inflict upon the world to be one that produces a smile even a slight laugh or one that would make for the eyes to be closed and made to think on and on.....?