@sometime sun,
sometime sun;118272 wrote: Why dont we just reconstruct the pyramids?
sometime sun;118272 wrote: why don't we make them the glory of egypt they once were but still have the chance to be again?
before they are gone all together back to the sand and lime they were built from.
Exactly what was it about Egypt that is glorious? For that matter what is it that is so beneficial to the world that has ever come out of those civilizations surrounding ALL such pyramids? Most of those civilizations have become "extinct". Why? Good question!
When in comparison we see the beauty that is the landscape of so much of the rest of the world, we hold to this desert wasteland as significant; in what measure other than it is old and to call it Holy is even more non-sensical. Perhaps it is in a very negative way as can be understood in what we were to what we are becoming. Just dead weight.
If you ask me they are not disappearing fast enough. Let's hope the "Langoliers" do eventually get them, ha!
sometime sun;118272 wrote:
Why is it so shocking and not a done thing to not only preserve but to resurrect?
Honestly sun, I think that is what is being done and that is why the world is in the shape it is in. No, let us not give them glory in any respect. Yes, we do find a measure of curiosity in antiquity and of course if we don't understand our past we will horrifically repeat it. Considering the weapons we are now fighting with, we are at a brink, a precipice if you will and ascertaining what that will be if we do indeed repeat it, is difficult to comprehend.
If you will do a little research yourself and browse "sacrifice, worship of animals and what anthropomorphic representations" are all about and the "gods" of those antique civilizations.
I promise you sun, there is much about our past that needs to be buried my friend. We do have the knowledge to make those barren wastelands fertile and in that respect I do agree with what can be defined as "resurrecting" those waste lands. As far as the resources it would take to rebuilt the pyramids, could be better spent in making those areas fertile.
In my opinion it would be a gross waste of resources to rebuild them. Of course that would be no surprise, we are doing that now, wasting resources, and that which is reason why we are doing that came out of the knowledge that originated in those very wastelands you want to honor. Such as this is a doomed world and life awaits for us in another one. When we cling to that, it is no wonder this one is in the shape that it is as can be understood in the phrase "going to hell in a handbasket". (See list).