Are there not far to many people to all be out at the same time?
There really are not that many parks anymore and a museum has a maximum occupancy, everything is pretty busy now and most people stay at home not knowing how to knit.
But then again i suppose we would find new ways of entertaining ourselves at home, but would we need the all mighty story teller again and would this mean the resurgeance of what it is to have faith which is to be hooked by the story.
And the point is made and still remains, there are not enough trees left to make into enough books for the entire worlds interested open population.
NecromanticSin; I was trying to avoid the obvious apocolyptic scenario by trying to imagine the a lighter side of the electricity failing (which it will unless we changed yesterday), there would not be enough wax for even a fraction of the populace to live as we would have ourselves romantically living by fire light (although we will never forget how to set things on fire, first/last lesson and all) and most would freeze to death or suffer heat stroke all what one could easily call death by exposure, but as i said i tried to stay away from that, just thinking that if we had a chance to brace against the elements (which have not gone away,we merely hide from and have become good at our denial of nature) if we could still hold the human race together? what would it be like if we could indeed keep the romance alive, but most of all would we be able to speak soft poetry to one another in dimmly lit rooms without the distraction from ourselves, or are we to far unacustomed of ourselves to be able to feel comfortable or non combatative with others company, for the one thing would be sure, we would need to be with our families again and we would need to make friends quickly.