beacuse if i over slept,i feel more tired and weak during the day on a rather boring side of it.
On the other hand,in a general stand point of ''why do i wake up every morning'',is a whole other thing. I mean to put it lightly,to live. Of course it's stressful, painful, full of suffering but then,sometimes can be full of love, enjoyment and the feeling of going somewhere in life. I'm on the low end of the scale so to speak,but for my reasoning of being awake everyday,is to meet those high points even if just for a momment. To take it it, to feel it within me, to experience whatever it might be, and be able to re live the momment in my head during those depressing,dark almost all the time days.
The reason I don't mind just a momment of peace,for a long time of suffering is,beacuse I find comfort in the darkness. However alittle bit of light spices me right up sometimes,and a change is always something to enjoy.