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Reply Wed 30 Dec, 2009 08:34 pm
Dear Readers,

Please find below a copy of my work Alpha.

Best Regards Ricky Bennison

Christ All Mighty
He is born
Therefore we may live
King of Kings
Inistance is singular. That which inists is part of inistance.
Inistance is singular and has one direction. Towards its centre.
Inistance is singular because all points are positioned by the same centre. The inward direction of inistance is created by being positioned by the centre.

Inistance has an inward intent which is the distance of its inward direction to and of its centre.
The inward intent of inistance is increased by the self creation of a new centre further inwards than the previous centre. The new centre is self created ahead of inistance. The self creation of the new centre creates the inward intent of inistance.
The self creation of the new centre increases the inward intent of inistance by an amount which is greater than the entire previous inward intent. The amount it is greater by is greater than the enitre previous inward intent of inistance.
All inistance is newly positioned by the new self created centre.
The self creation of the ever inward centre is eternal.
[/U]Everywhere there is something.
A single thing. Something.
Form is singular because it is structured in regard to an internal point. Therefore when form is observed it is observed as being a single thing.
Growth of self
[/U]The self grows due to the creation of a new centre within it. The new centre increases the inward intent of the self. Growth of self is a process of inpansion where the point of increase is the new innermost point. The new centre is created due to the selfs new positioning by the ever inward centre.
One self realises the growth of another self as they are positioned and realised by the same point. The ever inward centre. Therefore the inpansion of one self is recognised by another self.
[/U]Action is new positioning by the ever inward centre.
The ever inward centre is all powerful. Action is new positioning by the all powerful therefore action is certain.
The ever inward centre is free will. Action is new positioning by free will therefore action is freely chosen.
Action is movement.
[/U]Movement is the new positioning of a form by the ever inward centre.
[/U]You. I.
A living thing.
The inward continuation of a form based upon the creation of a new point of inner continuity. The form inwardly continues in regard to the new point of inner continuity.
The self is the new point of inner continuity and all points of inward continuity.
The inward inner continuity of self can be recognised by the self as feeling. Feeling increases.
The continuity of self is based in regard to new positioning by the ever inward centre.
The determinant of state of self is ones positioning by the ever inward centre. Three aspects of that positioning are mental focus balance and breath. All three are intrinsicly interlinked and increase concurrently.
Mental Focus
[/U]Mental focus is the force of the mind.
By act of mind mental force goes forward to a point ahead of the self.
Focus forward to a point ahead of yourself.
[/U]The movement of the self in regard to performed action. In order to balance the self moves in accordance with the action it is performing. Aspects of balance include the power and coordination of the selfs movement.
The selfs feeling increases concurrently with the selfs movement in regard to performed action. An understanding of the relationship between the selfs movement in regard to performed action and the concurrent increase in the selfs feeling is a sense of balance. Balance can be measured by a sense of balance.
Sense of balance
[/U]A greater sense of balance is movement of the self in regard to performed action which better allows the increase of feeling. The power and coordination of the selfs movement increases to a greater intent.
A lesser sense of balance is movement of the self in regard to performed action which worse allows the increase of feeling. The power and coordination of the selfs movement increases to a lesser intent.
Leaning is a denial of balance. Leaning is where a part of the body is not positioning itself in regard to performed action. The leaning part of the body is therefore recognised as a hindrance to action. The leaning part of the body becomes recognised as a weight and an obstruction to the increase of feeling.
One can be balanced in any number of positions. The achievement of balance is recognised in regard to ones personal sense of balance. Not observation of body position.
Always balance.
[/U]Breath of life. Breath is air contained within the body. Breath is essential to life. A person always contains a certain amount of breath within the body. Breath can be measured by an individuals inhaled capacity. Inhaled capacity is the length and depth of inhalation an individual can achieve. Length of inhalation is the continuity of a single inhalation. Depth of inhalation is the intent of a single inhalation.
A strong inhaled capacity greatly improves every mental and physical aspect of self. A strong inhaled capacity is intrinsicly linked to strength of self and masculinity.
States of breath
[/U]There are three states of breath an individual can assume. State here being defined as a continued series of breaths over a defined period.
Inhaled state
[/U]The regular length and depth of inhalation. Based in accordance with an individuals inhaled capacity. The stronger the inhaled capacity the greater the length and depth of regular inhalation.
Greater inhaled state
[/U]Where by the regular length and depth of inhalation increases.
Lesser inhaled state
[/U]Where by the regular length and depth of inhalation decreases.
Strengthening of inhaled capacity
[/U]The inhaled capacity can be strengthened by regular adoption of a greater inhaled state. Methods include breathing inercises. Increasing inhalation when performing action. Specific inercise to strengthen directly associated musculature tendons and ligaments. Adopting a posture concurrent with increasing inhalation. Increasing inhalation whilst orally communicating.
Standard breathing technique
[/U]Increase inhalation. Push forwards with the stomach. Inhale downwards with the nose.
Decrease inhalation. Air is released by a lessening of inhalation. You do not deliberately exhale. Allow air to be released forwards out of the nose or mouth.
Breathing inercise
Increase the length and depth of a single inhalation. Breath in and continue to breath in using the standard breathing technique. The greater the length and depth of inhalation the greater the benefits to the self. It is not holding your breath. Holding your breath is when you stop inhalation lessening but dont increase it either. Breath inercise is a continued increase in inhalation.
A further form of breathing inercise is to increase power when increasing inhalation. Increase power when pushing forwards with the stomach. Increase power when inhaling downwards with the nose. Never increase power to decrease inhalation.
[/U]Look forward. Push forwards with the stomach. Straighten your legs.
Oral communication
[/U]Increase inhalation using the standard breathing technique whilst orally communicating. Increase inhalation whilst singing and orating.
Breath psychology
[/U]Breath is fundamental to all aspects of psychology.
An individuals inhaled capacity is a key determining factor in psychology. A person with a strong inhaled capacity will be seen in a more favourable manner by other people. They will be seen as being more worthy and justified in who they are and what they do with a greater presence and strength of character. They will appear happier healthier physicaly more powerful more confident more known more familiar more trustworthy more reliable more natural lifemore more admirable and in all aspects more likeable.
An individual who increases inhalation whilst orating will be heard more positively by others. They will sound more confident more authorative more trustworthy more respectable more agreeable and in all aspects more likeable.
Women and children are especialy respondent to breath psychology.
Sexual breath psychology
[/U]The adoption of a greater inhaled state is intrinsicly linked to masculine sexuality. In the practice of masculine sexuality encompassing both the physical sexual act and the perceivable signals of sexual interest inhalation increases. The man is in a greater inhaled state.
The adoption of a lesser inhaled state is intrinsicly linked to feminine sexuality. In the practice of feminine sexuality encompassing both the physical sexual act and the perceivable signals of sexual interest inhalation decreases. The woman is in a lesser inhaled state.

A strong inhaled capacity is intrinsicly linked to masculine sexuality. A woman will perceive a man with a strong inhaled capacity as a more masculine sexual partner.
A weak inhaled capacity is intrinsicly linked to feminine sexuality. A man will perceive a woman with a weak inhaled capacity as a more feminine sexual partner.
Foot travel
[/U]When one steps be it walk or run land on the front foot. This greatly improves all mental and physical aspects of self.
Walking running sprinting
[/U]Landing on the front foot place one foot as far forward as you chose. So forth with the next foot.
The toes land in conjunction with the front foot.
Move yourself forward concurrent with the forward movement and placement of your foot.
Increasing stride length and power increases the nature of the technique from walking to running to sprinting. Increasing stride speed increases speed.
To sprint. In as powerful a manner as possible ensuring you land on the front foot place one foot as far forward as you possibly can. So forth with the next foot.
Other actions involved in walking running and sprinting will by process of balance come naturaly to you if you follow the above instructions.
[/U]Wear flat soled footwear which allows free movement of the feet.
One should not wear heels.
One should not wear achilles cutters.
[/U]The heel of a shoe pushes the heel of the foot upwards. This causes the leg to bend. In a bid to stand with a straight leg the heel of the foot pushes downwards. This causes the legs to lock the backside to move backwards the lower back to flatten the stomach to move backwards and the upper body to hunch forwards. This causes a weakening of mental focus a lesser sense of balance a lessening of inhalation and a general degeneration of the self.
Achilles cutters
[/U]Achilles cutters are backs of shoes which have been designed in such a manner that if there is movement of the foot other than a heel downwards movement the back of the shoe cuts into the achilles tendon. This has a negative effect on the self. Therefore the wearer will generaly disallow the foot free movement and increasingly apply pressure to the heel.
Heel walking[/U].
Heel walking is where a person takes a step and lands first upon the heel of the foot. Heel walking causes significant weakening of mental focus leaning decreasing of inhalation and a significant general degeneration of the self. It is caused by incessive pressure being applied to the heels.
Western society and taught running technique
[/U]Running technique as taught by western society such as push backwards with the foot should be disregarded. This taught instruction causes the running technique to fail.
General Rules
[/U]Increase inhalation to increase power and coordination.
Complete an inercise on a greatly increased inhalation.
Always a push never a pull.
Increase inhalation to increase power and coordination
[/U]Increase inhalation to increase the power and coordination of the selfs movement. In an inercise it is beneficial to most increase inhalation at the point most requiring an increase of power and coordination.
Complete an inercise on a greatly increased inhalation
[/U]An inercise should be completed on a greatly increased inhalation. It is beneficial in regards the strengthening of inhaled capacity for an inercise to be completed on a greatly increased inhalation.
Always a push never a pull
[/U]A push is where the self balances in regard to the action its performing to a greater intent. The power and coordination of the action performed by the self increases to a greater intent.
A pull is where the self balances in regard to the action its performing to a lesser intent. The power and coordination of action performed by the self increases to a lesser intent.
Inercise specifics
[/U]The inercises listed below serve to increase general strength of self. Direction is given in regard to environment. I have stated the primary actions for each inercise.
Uthak baithak stand sit
[/U]Start position. Standing. Feet comfortably spaced. The majority of the feet should be positioned within the width of the shoulders. The feet should be pointing somewhat outwards. Push upwards with your upper forehead. Push forwards with your stomach. Straighten your arms so they are roughly parallel[/SIZE] with the sides of your torso with the palms of your hands facing inwards. Straighten your legs. Greatly increase inhalation during.
1- Bend your legs. Lightly touch the backsides of your index and middle finger from roughly middle knuckle to lower knuckle on the tops of your feet. Look downwards. Increase inhalation during.
2- Push upwards with your upper forehead. Push forwards with your stomach. Straighten your arms so they are roughly parallel with the sides of your torso with the palms of your hands facing inwards. Straighten your legs. Greatly increase inhalation during.
Dand salutation push up
[/U]Start position. Lie face down supported on your hands and feet. Your hands should be placed comfortably either side of your chest. Your feet should be placed close together. Look downwards. In this inercise only your hands and feet come into contact with the floor and remain so for the duration of the inercise. Push upwards with your upper forehead. Straighten your arms. Push forward with your stomach. Greatly increase inhalation during.
1- Push down and forwards with your hands. Your legs should be straight concurrent with the performance of this action. Look downwards somewhere between your hands and feet. Increase inhalation during.
2- Straighten yourself so your chest is roughly above and between your hands. Look downwards. Increase inhalation during.
3- Bend your arms. Look downwards. Increase inhalation during.
4- Push upwards with your upper forehead. Straighten your arms. Push forwards with your stomach. Greatly increase inhalation during.
Stomach push
[/U]Select a raised platform. The raised platform must not have a surface area greater than the stomach area of the body. The raised platform must not have a surface area so small as to be overly protrudent. A bar type platform which intends the horizontal length of the stomach area may be used. Personaly i have used a one and three quarter inch deep by three inch wide by thirty four inch length piece of wood positioned between two chair seats. A certain amount of stomach strength is required to perform this inercise. This can be acquired by regular performance of the above stated inercises.
Lie face downwards with the stomach area of the body positioned on the raised platform. Push downwards with the stomach. Greatly increase inhalation during. Balance accordingly.
Reply Thu 31 Dec, 2009 09:18 am
Ricky77;115765 wrote:
Dear Readers,

Please find below a copy of my work Alpha.

Best Regards Ricky Bennison

Christ All Mighty
He is born
Therefore we may live
King of Kings

  • Is this fact or fiction?
  • Does this provide the new laws making the old laws of the Sanskrit obsolete?
  • Does this mean a pedophile can continue to be a pedophile because he's washed in the blood of the Lamb?
  • Does this mean no sin is too large to be forgiven through Christ?
  • Does this mean the burden of responsibility is lifted off the shoulder of humankind?

I see that you've taken some time to copy and paste this and I'm assuming you wrote it but I'm confused as to what your point is. Where are you going with this. You start out with a religious notion of Christ All Mighty and go on into a rambling explanation of stuff that I'm not grasping your direction.

Is there anything to talk about? Is there anything to discuss? You've taken the time to write,... why? What are you trying to accomplish with the words?

You also repeat the word balance... How is balance connected to mythology? How does balance have anything to do with believing an imbalance in the perception of humankind?

What does the alpha title mean in all this? Are you simply preaching or do you have direction?
Reply Mon 10 May, 2010 02:31 pm
Please note that externalising word prefixes have been removed where not pertinent to the word meaning. Where an externalising prefix has been removed an internalising prefix has been added.
Reply Mon 10 May, 2010 04:35 pm
Some kind of exercise routine???
Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 06:42 am
Exercises (stated as inercises in the above) are included in the work listed as uthak baithak dand and stomach push. Uthak baithaks and dands are originaly from India hence the names.

If your interested in fitness in general I think the breath section might be of particular interest.
Native Skeptic
Reply Mon 24 May, 2010 07:11 am
Wear flat soled footwear which allows free movement of the feet.
One should not wear heels.
One should not wear achilles cutters.


I'll remember that.

Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2010 07:20 am
Good for you Native Skeptic. Aqua shoes are working well for me at the minute. Although is there anything better than your birthday slippers?
harlequin phil
Reply Tue 8 Jun, 2010 01:06 pm
Ricky77;115765 wrote:
Everywhere there is something.

i thought there was nothing in a vacuum, i thought a vacuum is a volume of space empty of matter.
Reply Mon 14 Jun, 2010 07:13 am
@harlequin phil,
'Space' has form. Everything which is has form. The measurements of its form might alter but itll always have form in some form.
Reply Sat 10 Jul, 2010 11:13 am
The picture in this link should help in understanding the nature of inistance and the ever inward centre.

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