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Without claiming to know much, but considering all that can be considered as it relates to what we collectively understand to what our purpose is here I would like to offer the following;
In the grand scheme of things could that be what our presence here is all about on this orb in space we call the Earth? Given all we could ever hope to have that would allow us to build from as a test to see if we are worthy of a much greater existence? Would you pass or fail the test?
How can we decide if we are worthy if you don't give us something against which we can measure our worth?
If worthy means we have to be good to others, then I'm worthy.
If worthy means I have to love Jesus, then I'm not worthy.
Just depends on what your measure is.
PURGATIVE, in order to achieve/gain/know the divine,....
.......In hell you can't catch anything close to divinity.
Hopeless design I say,
......but you are speaking of Dantes Purgatory where the soul even without hope can raise itself through cycles of pain and penance.
Guess what, hell is no choice
Hell is not a penalty time out
...there is no room to breathe as it is only suffering for which there is no end. There is no being in hell for there is no conception of who you are that is there for you to realize what your being is? (Is this what you are saying?)
Hell has nothing
Earth has nearly everything
Purgatory. . . ; why do such illiterate concepts cease to be let go of?
Why, is it not more simply due to the way we had come to be built through the several hundred of thousands of developing years, through the several branches of species, brain-wise, to have need of in-group preservation by the lure, or pressure, of a 'higher power' to do so?
'Tis not the imaginative domain of our more creative minds that will determine if we are really worthy to be alive as an individual, no, because it is by the brute fact that each of us presently alive, by being alive, has proven worthy of living. It is the social construct which then adds further meaning to worthiness (as Aedes has pointed out) that tempts to amend, or parse that brute fact of nature.
Our presence here on this orb in space, is so, because, most evidently, of the flow, as it were (so to speak) of nature.
There is no ultimate, universal test, except for that of time.
Our presence here on this orb in space, as this presently more fully developed Homo, has not been the case for most of the history of this orb, and will not always be the case; as the sun will put an end to most life forms in its days of expansion.
Our presence is simply, and most evidently, here, and now, and only.
That is the beauty of each and every single living thing.
That is what gives such great importance and value to each and every living individual. That, is what makes one and all worthy, without exception, from the eyes of nature. Our necessary for social in-group bonding as a human 'kind' structures of morality, should be more open to that of brute nature, and, within not only the framework/background of this planet, but of the cosmos as well.
Hello SometimeSun, and thank you for your response. As for as the words you use, please effort to try and speak using words that will be the simplest and the most acceptable and understood my most. I have edited what you have said as to what I think it is you are saying, if you don't mind. If I am wrong, please clarify. Thanks
What? What is being purged? That which is NOT? Will that do it? Leaving nothing but the divine?
Catch anything? Who's pitching? Purgatory is not hell? Hell is the next step! It could be there are some who have already taken that step?
You mean...............planned when you use the word....."design"?
I didn't say. Let's just say it is a "stopping off place" on the way for one to decide what direction they choose to go, without knowing what heaven is or could be.
Again Sun, the thread is about purgatory, not hell; but as you regard hell, are you so sure? What about the phrase "...better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven"? Odd, don't you think, considering no one knows what heaven will offer? Are the streets really paved with "gold"? Hmmm?
That.........would be scary, huh? Do you think a God could be that unmerciful? I think not.
If that is what you are saying, with out a sense of it, then there is no being and hell would not exist! Isn't that right? So what is it exactly?
Without a sense, there is no suffering. Only those who are senseless, inert, and numb could exist there. Hmmm? You know, that could be what selfishness is all about, huh? Little regard for what you give, only what you get in return? IF, that is the case, then there are some in which purgatory was their last stop and are indeed in hell. But if that is the case, ask anyone, they would not admit they are there. They like it too much! That would pose problem now, wouldn't it.
Now come on Sun, think about it! What is nothing? Nothing doesn't exist. You mean there is no good for "something"? Is that what nothing is? Some have said in regards to others that they were addressing to be "...good for nothing so and so's"; huh? Perhaps those who would say such a thing are those who are already in hell, huh?
Many would argue and most of those have, what others assume, all that it, the Earth, has to offer. Could there be it............than that? Here, Sun, we have a major conundrum/catch 22/paradox/impossible situation. Those who have less and wanting more; and those who have more who care less for their only concern is keeping what they have. Hmmm? Purgatory; simple as that. A stopping off place for us to think about what truly is important. Are you a giver who takes or you a taker who gives. If all were giving, there would be no problem...................................................would there!
You have firstly mentioned the idea of 'purgatory.' Please do tell me where in the world you have gotten that idea from?
Thanks ! KJ
Sorry (but not really that much), William i should not write when drunk, not an excuse, but a reason. To off the cuff. This does not mean what i said is to be dismissed, it means i have now to try harder to find and remember my reason.
Earth is home, is heaven for some.
Does it matter? It’s out there. So is heaven, Valhalla, Utopia, Nirvana,
bliss, ecstasy, hell, torment, anguish, depression..................!
Well, William, it does matter; in fact it makes a very big difference when working towards an understanding of what the concept inherent in the word can really mean. So, I'd like to you answer more personally, directly related to you, William; where did you get that idea from, please?
That is the beauty of each and every single living thing. That is what gives such great importance and value to each and every living individual. That, is what makes one and all worthy, without exception, from the eyes of nature. Our necessary for social in-group bonding as a human 'kind' structures of morality, should be more open to that of brute nature, and, within not only the framework/background of this planet, but of the cosmos as well.
Kj, the operative word in my offering was “could”. The fact that the word exists means that is has definitions. It is quite obvious we are not in heaven (see list) and it is not known what hell is though it can be observed in the torment some are mentally going through, so by deduction purgatory is the only other choice.
Does this answer your question?
Thanks Paul. What would you like those measures to be?
You mention Jesus? Exactly, if you don't mind, what is it about what is said about Jesus is it you don't particularly like?
Do you think that a god, and there has always been one in the mind of man, would be able to speak through man?
Okay, let me offer you "something" to measure. How much one gives!
Now let me offer what that means. To give of yourself in it's purest sense; without the anticipation of receiving anything in return!
I wholeheartedly agree. This is what makes people worthy. But it's a human judgment. We judge one another that way and I think it's appropriate for us to reflect on ourselves by that criterion.
That said, it's still only human.