xris;103347 wrote:Why cant we just say im a human trying to do my best in an imperfect world, just like the rest of us.
Well, because this is an immediate red flag for your date that you may be unemployed or a criminal...she won't be answering your phone calls anymore! Saying that you are a "student" is usually a good cover, because while it implies that you are broke, unemployed, and leaching off your parents, it still makes it sound like you will be prosperous at some future point in time... :bigsmile:
There are people out there though, who try to look at the inner person. I would say that I am one of them...even though we are all prejudiced to some extent, I try to base my opinion of someone on their true interests, their thoughts, and actions, outside of work. Because in reality, most people are just at work for the paycheck, and its the worst criteria for defining them as a person.
There are many kind, very intelligent people, who work menial jobs and have no degrees or certifications...and as any of the latest news reports on corporate corruption can tell you, there are many vicious, or idiotic wealthy people with numerous degrees and accolades to their name...and vice versa of course. The point is that these things do little in helping us to evaluate the actual person. I try to judge on what is really important, and many other people do this as well...but social norms tell us to look for the money, the degrees, and so forth when first judging someone, so that's what we tend to do.