@Didymos Thomas,
Didymos Thomas;90727 wrote:There are fairly well established notions of rational thinking and discourse - the classic, most accepted example would be the law of non-contradiction.
Having had very little schooling in philosophy (quite obviously, based on most of my posts), I'll be the first to admit that my understanding of many of its classical rules and laws is fairly superficial, but I'm wondering if the law of non-contradiction can be contradicted, and if it can, how reliable/valid is it as a notion of rational thinking and discourse?
Didymos Thomas;90727 wrote:No, I do not think so. We use (ideally) rationality as a tool by which to arrive at, and better understand morality.
I thought morality fell more on the subjective side of the fence, rather than the rational or logical side. After all, at one time it was considered immoral for a woman to show her bare ankles in public. These days we would consider that silly puritanical hokum. At least I would.
Morality, I guess, can be painted with a very broad brush. Perhaps there are standards of morality which have always been, and always will be, true and correct regardless of cultural biases? I'm not sure one could rationalize that viewpoint though.
Didymos Thomas;90727 wrote:Of course not - they seem very much related.
I'm still pondering this one. For some reason I keep thinking of some of the tests that inquisitors once used to prove whether or not someone was a witch.
Didymos Thomas;90727 wrote:No - it involves killing another human being.
What if it was self defense? Would you let yourself be killed rather than take a life? What if when your life was taken, your killer planned to continue on to take the lives of those who you love? Could your failure to do whatever it took to stop them because you don't want to kill another human being be considered in any way either moral
or rational in this scenario?
Just curious, as long as we're playing "what if . . ."
Didymos Thomas;90727 wrote:Man, I wish I had some insights for you.

Thanks! You've already given me some insights. I'm sure I'll have some more questions later, if you don't mind playing along.