I actually began a topic some time in the past, there was little notice to it, (I am over it now). The discussion I wished to trade on was the complete opposites of Cricket and baseball. Cricket, I will show is a mans test and abillity to manouver either the ball or the bat. Like Kendo, it is not a simple swing and hit. Cricket is the ultimate swordsman tribute. On the other hand if hacking into trees like a french beheader is your thing, then obviously baseball is the sport for you.
I believe the reason America plays baseball is because it did not wish to be British in any way. The reason you all run around with one glove has little to do with your inability to catch a ball, but is a tribute to punncy french ways and like smacking a gauntlet in the face of an opponent, you carry the glove evermore.
Kendo and Cricket, two pinnacles of art.
Fencing and baseball, two opposites of.
These smilies need one with a swinging hand that has just completed a wild slap in the face.