The happy thread

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Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2009 03:57 pm
Why after viewing most of this forum do I find that most postings are of a unhappy nature. It seems philosophy has become the next big thing in pseudo- psychiatry where people get to dump their feelings about how sh*t their life is and hope other people have some asnswers. This is not what I came to this forum for.Do you people agree?
Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2009 04:11 pm
@markymark phil,
Well, sometimes philosophy can lead to despair and unhappiness, but it can also lead to a sound state of mind, and happiness if you so chose it too. If you are unhappy with the general tone of the forum, feel free to start your own threads or post to brighten the mood around here. I am sure no one would complain.
markymark phil
Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2009 04:16 pm
Theaetetus;79103 wrote:
Well, sometimes philosophy can lead to despair and unhappiness, but it can also lead to a sound state of mind, and happiness if you so chose it too. If you are unhappy with the general tone of the forum, feel free to start your own threads or post to brighten the mood around here. I am sure no one would complain.

Good god, forgive me if I'm wrong here but where is your optimism for life, you seem so down, I can even tell through your writing. Philosophy should optimise optimism.
Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2009 04:44 pm
@markymark phil,
markymark;79101 wrote:
Why after viewing most of this forum do I find that most postings are of a unhappy nature. It seems philosophy has become the next big thing in pseudo- psychiatry where people get to dump their feelings about how sh*t their life is and hope other people have some answers. This is not what I came to this forum for. Do you people agree?

Well, we can't exactly control other people or how they think or what they write. Philosophers in general are usually withdrawn and often times depressed because they have nobody to communicate with them on a level that is mutually understood.

On the other hand, as a member of any forum for a long period of time, people will get comfortable and where else are they going to speak about these things. At least, for the most part, we are amongst friends.

I'm here to tell you that this forum attracts people and people are happy, unhappy, crazy and many other descriptive words. Anywhere you go where there's people, there will also be unhappiness for whatever reason.

If you want happy posts and are willing to bring something to the table, you are more than encouraged to do so. Happiness is not something people find it's something they've discovered inside and it shines outward. One drop of happiness in an ocean of fear is only one drop but the entire ocean will rise with each and every drop.

So, I suggest you 'BE' the change you'd like to see in the forums.

markymark;79104 wrote:
Good god, forgive me if I'm wrong here but where is your optimism for life, you seem so down, I can even tell through your writing. Philosophy should optimise optimism.

Without knowing someone Markymark you seem in the above to be very quick to cast a judgment and then verbalize this judgment publicly. I disagree with that assessment. One thing I've learned is that when I see something wrong with someone else, it's merely a reflection of me.

So, be happy with happy posts and attitudes are contagious. As you see the happiness within the forums, happiness is what will be reflected.

markymark phil
Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2009 04:54 pm
Justin;79110 wrote:
Well, we can't exactly control other people or how they think or what they write. Philosophers in general are usually withdrawn and often times depressed because they have nobody to communicate with them on a level that is mutually understood.

On the other hand, as a member of any forum for a long period of time, people will get comfortable and where else are they going to speak about these things. At least, for the most part, we are amongst friends.

I'm here to tell you that this forum attracts people and people are happy, unhappy, crazy and many other descriptive words. Anywhere you go where there's people, there will also be unhappiness for whatever reason.

If you want happy posts and are willing to bring something to the table, you are more than encouraged to do so. Happiness is not something people find it's something they've discovered inside and it shines outward. One drop of happiness in an ocean of fear is only one drop but the entire ocean will rise with each and every drop.

So, I suggest you 'BE' the change you'd like to see in the forums.

Without knowing someone Markymark you seem in the above to be very quick to cast a judgment and then verbalize this judgment publicly. I disagree with that assessment. One thing I've learned is that when I see something wrong with someone else, it's merely a reflection of me.

So, be happy with happy posts and attitudes are contagious. As you see the happiness within the forums, happiness is what will be reflected.


you have a point. I retract my previous statements. Perhaps the diverse nature of philosphy is made all the richer by all the nutcases out there and that includes me.
Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2009 05:03 pm
@markymark phil,
LOL, well Mark, after being administrator here of this forum for so long, I'm amazed at some of the people we attract, (as with most philosophy discussion forums)... However, we do our best to keep the place clean and hopefully a happy forum.

I will say, that we're the busiest philosophy forum on the Internet without question... and this will bring in all sorts. Anyway, it's good of you to be here and hope that you remain here and let your happiness shine in your communication with others.

markymark phil
Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2009 05:09 pm
Justin;79119 wrote:
LOL, well Mark, after being administrator here of this forum for so long, I'm amazed at some of the people we attract, (as with most philosophy discussion forums)... However, we do our best to keep the place clean and hopefully a happy forum.

I will say, that we're the busiest philosophy forum on the Internet without question... and this will bring in all sorts. Anyway, it's good of you to be here and hope that you remain here and let your happiness shine in your communication with others.


Thankyou, I look forward to some interesting nights in with my keyborad rather than my wife. See I told you there were positives if you just but look.
Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2009 05:13 pm
@markymark phil,
I actually have much optimism for my own personal life, but towards the general outlook for collective life, much pessimism clouds my thinking. I wish I could be more optimistic about the general direction of human civilization, but the shadow of history clouds over much of my optimism.

As an idealist, I wish I could have more hope for humanity in general, but as a pragmatist, I realize that much of the optimism does no good if it is not based in reality.
Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2009 05:16 pm
@markymark phil,
Hello Marky,
If you are looking for happiness in all probability you will collide with a whole slew of people looking for the same thing. In another post I asked question; "What comes first happiness or the smile"? So I will as you: "What comes first? Happiness or the smile?


Have you heard the story of the "excessively optimistic child" and the "the excessively pessimistic child". It goes something like this:

The pessimistic youngster was placed in a room full every kind of toy imaginable in hopes that he would find one that would bring some ray of optimism in his otherwise dreary existence. Not so, for he had too many to choose from finding no joy in any.

The other optimistic youngster was placed in a room up to his neck in horse manure in an attempt to see if his spirit could be broken. Not so. He just took a deep breath and began to explore the situation as he would swim around in the manure. He would come up for air and again submerge himself. Those who witnessed this scratched their heads dumbfounded as to the joy this kid had in these dire conditions and ask him why he was so happy. He replied innocently; "I just figured in all this crap, there's got to be a pony in here somewhere!". Smile

markymark phil
Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2009 05:28 pm
William;79126 wrote:
Hello Marky,
If you are looking for happiness in all probability you will collide with a whole slew of people looking for the same thing. In another post I asked question; "What comes first happiness or the smile"? So I will as you: "What comes first? Happiness or the smile?


Well I did smile at that question so I guess you win

---------- Post added 07-24-2009 at 12:36 AM ----------

Theaetetus;79125 wrote:
I actually have much optimism for my own personal life, but towards the general outlook for collective life, much pessimism clouds my thinking. I wish I could be more optimistic about the general direction of human civilization, but the shadow of history clouds over much of my optimism.

As an idealist, I wish I could have more hope for humanity in general, but as a pragmatist, I realize that much of the optimism does no good if it is not based in reality.

You sound like Yoda but I like it. I too am an idealist but also mixed with a hardass-ist. I don't really like the whole life has to come to me and help me out point of view, I'm more of a hard work creates opportunities (some people look at others and call that luck).
Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2009 05:48 pm
@markymark phil,
markymark;79117 wrote:
you have a point. I retract my previous statements.
That is an admirable character quality and worthy of recognition. :a-ok:

markymark;79117 wrote:
Perhaps the diverse nature of philosphy is made all the richer by all the nutcases out there and that includes me.
It could be considered that we are all in that category, just to different degrees
Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2009 05:49 pm
@markymark phil,
markymark;79130 wrote:
Well I did smile at that question so I guess you win

I'm glad. But that's not fair.:perplexed: You evaded the question! While you are smiling, go ahead, give it a shot. You've got a 50/50 chance of getting it right. :whistling:

Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2009 08:45 pm
@markymark phil,
markymark;79101 wrote:
Why after viewing most of this forum do I find that most postings are of a unhappy nature. It seems philosophy has become the next big thing in pseudo- psychiatry where people get to dump their feelings about how sh*t their life is and hope other people have some asnswers. This is not what I came to this forum for.Do you people agree?

Yes I agree complete, and thank you for bringing it up.

Philosophy, nowadays, seems to be viewed, by many as this "Here's where i go to bring up Alien Conspiracies and how much I hate X-Religion"-place. We have many bright spots, but yes - those as you suggest are very pervasive and quite vocal.

Stick around - bring up some positive aspects. Some will inevitably poop on it, but positiveness, too, has its' communicable side

Reply Fri 24 Jul, 2009 03:18 am
@markymark phil,
markymark;79122 wrote:
Thankyou, I look forward to some interesting nights in with my keyborad rather than my wife. See I told you there were positives if you just but look.

I dont suppose she'll be too happy about that!
Markymark, (are you a fan of NKOTB?), the forum can have stages where there are dark posts everywhere but what you got to realise is that it's humans here and humans are not happy 100 percent of the time plus in debates although we like to keep it clean and polite, passion comes across well as passion, happiness is a state and it's not really going to show in the post, but im happy!Very Happy

---------- Post added 07-24-2009 at 04:23 AM ----------

validity;79134 wrote:

It could be considered that we are all in that category, just to different degrees

That's a good one, i'd agree with that, some go that way some go this way, are you going to go my way!

---------- Post added 07-24-2009 at 04:29 AM ----------

markymark;79130 wrote:
I don't really like the whole life has to come to me and help me out point of view, I'm more of a hard work creates opportunities (some people look at others and call that luck).

Ha you'll be in for a long wait, you got to go out there and make it happen, make a difference!
markymark phil
Reply Fri 24 Jul, 2009 05:31 am
are you a fan of NKOTB

Ha, took me ages to figure that out. I thought it was some new philosophical jargon so I had to google it. Smack me upside the head that was dumb of me.

I don't want people to think I'm trying to be controversial or trying to incite unhappiness. I do think however a lot of people choose their discussion topics not necessarily on interest but rather on a more emotional basis. This might provide a cathartic experience for some but I'm sure others may come out of it feeling worse.

Maybe this brings up a question about the difference between passion and need. Is it healthy to be passionate about philosophical questing and unhealthy for it to be a need (need to know the asnswer)?
Reply Fri 24 Jul, 2009 05:40 am
@markymark phil,
markymark;79225 wrote:

Ha, took me ages to figure that out. I thought it was some new philosophical jargon so I had to google it. Smack me upside the head that was dumb of me.

I don't want people to think I'm trying to be controversial or trying to incite unhappiness. I do think however a lot of people choose their discussion topics not necessarily on interest but rather on a more emotional basis. This might provide a cathartic experience for some but I'm sure others may come out of it feeling worse.

Maybe this brings up a question about the difference between passion and need. Is it healthy to be passionate about philosophical questing and unhealthy for it to be a need (need to know the asnswer)?

Lol and ROTFL, you're funny!

Yes I think you've raised a good point in that people do get involved and passionate about things and why not.Smile I dont understand when you say people come out of it feeling worse?
markymark phil
Reply Fri 24 Jul, 2009 05:55 am
Caroline;79229 wrote:
I dont understand when you say people come out of it feeling worse?

I didn't really want to go down the psychology route but my reason for saying that was unhappy people don't want you to make them happy they want you to understand and show empathy. You might get that if you asked for it but they take no prisoners on this forum.
Reply Fri 24 Jul, 2009 06:15 am
@markymark phil,
Yes I know what you mean, I try not to get involved or if I do I tend to step out after realising that they're not going to understand. There are good posters on this forum who are objective, I tend to stick with them.
markymark phil
Reply Fri 24 Jul, 2009 06:58 am
@markymark phil,
Can you tell if you are happy if you have not first exprienced unhappiness?
Reply Fri 24 Jul, 2009 07:09 am
@markymark phil,
Yes you can, I can have a perfectly normal day and will not be experiencing unhappiness then something happens such as receiving good news and suddenly im happy.

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  3. » The happy thread
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