vectorcube;75092 wrote:I am more of a 5w6, and i am experience diffculties concentrating. I can ` t imagine what a 5w4 feels.
Difficulty concentrating is more a P factor; you probably just get bored really easy.
As a 5w4 I have a morbid streak and an intense interest in art. Don't mistake artistic interest and artistic ability; 5w4s will probably have the former but they don't have to have the latter.
dwixi;75129 wrote:I didnt do the test because I got annoyed with how the questions arent right. I questioned the questions. "when i am with people i am more often. Breif. Or warm and friendly."
I wanted to answer by saying... Well it depends with who.. If its someone i dont like I wont talk atall. If its someone that is okay i will be breif, if its someone I love I will be warm and friendly..... Are those the only choices? Its not a real question then. Its a trap. Whats the point. What kind of personality do you need to do this quiz? thats the really question.
So that would be my answer for question one... Ect.
What kind of personality does that make me?

MBTI measures preferences. You know how Aristotle once said, "you are what you repeatedly do"? Well the sum of your actions must lean one way or the other, and MBTI provides these dichotomies. Let me expand:
Introversion / Extroversion - determines where you derive energy. If you're an introvert, you get energy from time alone. If you're an extrovert, you get energy from socialising and taking in your external surroundings.
Intuition / Sensing - (percieving) determines how you learn and recieve data. If you're an intuitive, you use your mind to learn. If you're a sensor, you use your 5 senses (visual, olfactory, tactile, aural, gustatory) to learn.
Thinking / Feeling - (judging) determines if you prefer to use rationality or instincts when you make a decision. If you're a thinker, you use your head. If you're a feeler, you follow your emotions.
Judging / Percieving - determines whether you prefer judging or percieving. If you're a judger, you prefer to make decisions first. If you're a perciever, you absorb all the information first, then make a judgement/decision later.
It measures you on a scale like this:
Introversion 100 ---------- 0 ---------- 100 Extroversion
If I am mainly introverted, say 75%, then the scale would (roughly) look like this:
Introversion 100 ---x------ 0 --x------- 100 Extroversion
It's not all black and white like you think it is.