jgweed;74091 wrote:But it is my experience that actions removing a Member are not taken lightly nor are they made arbitrarily; usually the removal is made only after an attempt is made to bring the infraction (s) to the Member's attention and provide him an opportunity to remedy his own actions, and if that fails, only after discussion and consensus by staff members.
You are right jg. What I didn't do was attempt to curb or contact the member or issue infractions. This is something that we really need to set up so people know their limits and can push as far as they want but know that there will be reprimands for doing so. However, we did have staff member consensus and discussion along with several reported posts by this member.
After a few years of admin experience and learning to deal with people in the forums there are flags and as these flags pop up, it's much easier to close that door quickly then to deal with it by communicating. The way I see it, is if people come right into this forum and start right away with the crap, then it's a flag. Then we have to decide whether or not it's beneficial or detrimental to the community. This process has become easier as time goes on.
We all have our days where we say things we don't mean or we act in ways we wouldn't have acted had we given it a bit of thought. I'm as guilty as anyone here when it comes to that. Setting up a system of infractions based on actions and having it in black and white would be beneficial to all though so lets work on that portion of it.
JG, as we discussed, you have resumed your position as global moderator of this forum and I'm open to any and all suggestions you have for improvement.
manored;74096 wrote:I suppose that certain rights are actually limited in a complex manner. Like a policeman has the right to drag people to the police-station, but will quickly lose it if he does so wrongly. So I suppose that besides a difference between having a right and being right, there is also a difference between having a limited right and one you can exercise freely
Oh, and despite the fact that his sense of fairness will massacre him later, this is Justin's forum, so he can do whatever he wants here

Technically it may be my forum but theoretically this forum is ours. When I say ours, I'm including the members that have been here and have posted to and donated and contributed to this community as a whole. I don't want to be a loose cannon admin that bans people in ways I've seen on other forums but I do want to keep things here respectful and peaceful with room for error.
Thank you all for responding as this is a legit concern and I appreciate Kennethamy's post and hope I've done my best to respond. Understand that I'm not here to govern a forum with an iron fist and don't want to. I was raised under an authoritarian stepfather which I may have acquired a bit of that personality but as a whole, fairness and open mindedness is what I'm after. A place where one can come and participate and not be ridiculed or beaten down with words.
Anyway, I've been wrong many times in my life and have learned from mistakes in the past. However, when it all comes down to it, I would hope we can have a peaceful and enlightening forum where ANYONE can discuss philosophy and topics that will raise the consciousness of all and at the same time provide an environment to agree to disagree and quite possibly make this place a home for the members here who are like minded in the sense of pursuing peaceful communication in a social environment which enriches us all.
Again, thank you for expressing your concerns and thank you for the supportive comments as well.