why the #@!*???

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Reply Fri 5 Jun, 2009 01:30 pm
We are all here as students of philosophy. So what is it that drives us toward the truth? I'm wondering why I have such a lust for understanding? I'm wondering why I'm accompanied by so few who value worthy faith and investegated thought? I assume that thoes here are like me. I can not live (literaly i die inside) without an understanding of what I am, what this world is, how it works, why it works, and what the point of it is. Since (i hope) we share, at least somewhat, in this maner. I would like to ask what it is that makes you lust for the truth as i do?
Reply Fri 5 Jun, 2009 01:42 pm
Lust..a strong term, a strong word ...lust...It gives you an immediate kick in the groin the word lust..As the years pass it becomes a distant memory but can be rekindled by a good women or good debate.The truth is out there but will we ever discover it or forever debate its meaning..LUST ..oh its sound is so encouraging..Lust..Lets debate lust instead..
Reply Fri 5 Jun, 2009 01:44 pm
Lust, to lust for truth, I would say, would make you to be a slave for ignorance.

---------- Post added at 12:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 PM ----------

vajrasattva;66696 wrote:
We are all here as students of philosophy. So what is it that drives us toward the truth? I'm wondering why I have such a lust for understanding? I'm wondering why I'm accompanied by so few who value worthy faith and investegated thought? I assume that thoes here are like me. I can not live (literaly i die inside) without an understanding of what I am, what this world is, how it works, why it works, and what the point of it is. Since (i hope) we share, at least somewhat, in this maner. I would like to ask what it is that makes you lust for the truth as i do?

Instead of answering your question, for I would imagine we would all have unique ones, capable of entertaining or boring each of us for a period of time, I rather ask you a question. Does the search for truth interrupt your happiness in times of leisure, when you are not in search?
Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2009 01:50 pm
For me the search for truth is a tennet of my existence. If I stop looking for it I become emersed in lies. I find myself believeing and practiing what is not truth and so suffering for it.

Truth means good faith or worthy of faith. Just because a man believes that he can swim before he knows he can swim does not make his faith worthy. And because his faith is not worthy he may drown, especialy if his faith is untested and unpracticed.

Because of that searching for truth for me is somewhat like playing russian roulete, in that, sometimes I love it others I hate it. I think, I find, I test, I practice, and then I believe what I found. 90% of the stuff I find in by head is B.S. And fails the test of truth which is the good and worthy aspect of the faith in what I've found.

When I hate it it is because the aspect of truth that I have found is either, not believed by my fellow humans, not believed by me, not somthing that I want to practice myself, or not somthing that I have the courage to live by openly. In other words I hate the truth when it is inconvinient to me. But as as an individual who aspires to wisdom I do my best to practice it anyway. If it is truth that I have found I am all the better for it.

I love the truth when I find that what I have been practicing, thinking, or believeing is indeed truth. I love it even more when the aspect of truth I have to be truth is practiced by my fellow humans, and so can be practiced openly. Because of this external wisdom can be gained from thoes wiser than me. This allows me to grow.

The moments of love are few and far between. This is due to the fact that at the ripe old age of 24 I am indeed unwise. But I hope that someday I can called be a true lover of wisdom (philo-sopher, Lover-wisdom) and so be called wise. But as young, dumb, naive, and foolish to beat myself down, I hate wisdom most of the time and so am not a phillosopher... YET!!!

With that said I remind you of my naivity, not to mention my hard headed and opinionated nature. So don't by all my crap (I KNOW you don't already but... well its crap). And feel free to criticize I need it but please have a heart and do it constructively. I already know I'm and idiot.

Peace love & harmony

P.S. Better an idiot than ignorant
Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2009 07:16 pm
What truths are we talking about. Just any piece of information that is factual? Or subjective truths about yourself? Why don't you share with us some truths you have found with us-so we can get an idea for the context your communicating? And if you were in Athens over 2,000 years ago, the oracle might just name you as smart as Socrates. Smile
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 06:01 pm
We come up with our own theories which doesn't mean it is the truth that is just how we perceive it. Understanding takes some time, so does not being bias is any form.
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 06:25 pm
vajrasattva;66884 wrote:
For me the search for truth is a tennet of my existence. If I stop looking for it I become emersed in lies. I find myself believing and practicing what is not truth and so suffering for it.

I'm totally with you on this. I was thinking about this the other day while i walking home from school. It seems as if i need to keep reminding myself of this, but to me that is helpful in such that it keeps me on my toes and keeps my ming open to other aspects and views on various subjects.
Reply Thu 11 Jun, 2009 08:32 pm

For me philosophy is but one manner of exploring Life. I do this in many other ways, which helps me get many perspectives of Life and then I find patterns, intersections, etc. that make sense to me. I dance, play sports, play music, write, play the stock market, deal with business folks, work with computers, read, join clubs, etc. All of these experiences, add to my awareness and a better understanding of life. I am not seeking Truths, just understanding. I gave up on Truths a long time ago. It was like a donkey chasing after a carrot. Very exhausting, frustrating, and wearisome - unhealthy for me. I am much more relaxed about things nowadays as I play my Roles in Life and at times move my self into the Audience to observe.

Reply Mon 15 Jun, 2009 03:47 pm
alex717;66973 wrote:
What truths are we talking about. Just any piece of information that is factual? Or subjective truths about yourself? Why don't you share with us some truths you have found with us-so we can get an idea for the context your communicating? And if you were in Athens over 2,000 years ago, the oracle might just name you as smart as Socrates. Smile

I look for the absolute truth in the relative world. Since the all relative truth is an aspect of the absolute truth. Truth can be found in any and every aspect of being. It is just a matter of sepatating what is truth and and what is not. Truth is defined as somthing good and worthy of strong belief. So one truth for you in the relative sense might not be truth fot me. E.G. i believe that buddhas way is the way to heaven. For me this faith is good and worthy and is truth as such. However you may believe that muhamed is the only way to heaven and as such that is truth or good and worthy faith to you. Truth and fact are different things a fact is truth but a truth isnt nessasarily fact. Truth is good and worthy faith because it most often becomes fact.

Some of the truth i have found is that all truth boils down to one absolute truth. All truth, is truth, and in the absolute sense, is good and worthy faith. This means that what is true is true not false and what makes it true is objective appraisal of goodness and worthyness in faith. It dosent make sense to call the fact that you are chinese truth unless of course it has been first objectively apriaised for worthiness and goodness. If when the fact that you are chinese is appraised and is proven to be good and worthy of faith then it is indeed truth.

The one truth of truths that i have found to be self evedent. Is that humanity as a whole is full of people who are in need of and are capeable of and worthy of different things. Each of these people due to the nature of their individuality find different things and understand even the same things differently. And so the only truth is truth and each of us know truth a little differently then the next. This is what makes one mans truth a lie and the nexts mans lie a truth.

Reply Thu 18 Jun, 2009 09:23 pm
vajrasattva;66696 wrote:
I would like to ask what it is that makes you lust for the truth as i do?
Intellectually, to be honest, I don't think any of us lust for truth. We lust for intellectual satisfaction in the pursuit of truth, which satisfies with every closer step but never requires that we arrive there.
Reply Thu 18 Jun, 2009 11:32 pm
Yes, I feel the same way. And everyone must pursue their own path. And having like minded associates is agreeable as well. I think the thing you want to focus on is "What is missing?" There must be something missing in your and other people's life. Now whenever we receive an answer, three things are needed to receive an answer in the brain.

1. Be receptive, the mind must be clear, void of thought.

2. Silence. To have an emptiness to be able to receive clear truth there must be no action that you make yourself.

3. And you must be calm.

So in my own words, to pursue truth you must find your best recipe for this. And these are ingredients past on. If you follow the recipe then the product should result.
Reply Mon 17 Aug, 2009 08:33 pm
It is genetic, we are born as philosophers, or encouraged as a result of education, friends, or family. But I do believe it takes a certain amount of intelligence to have a philosophical inclination. I say this because it is ususally true, but doesn't need to be if you are influenced by someone. Anyone can understand philosophy, but only a few people enjoy it and take it to the next level.
Reply Mon 17 Aug, 2009 10:18 pm
vajrasattva;66696 wrote:
We are all here as students of philosophy. So what is it that drives us toward the truth? I'm wondering why I have such a lust for understanding? I'm wondering why I'm accompanied by so few who value worthy faith and investegated thought? I assume that thoes here are like me. I can not live (literaly i die inside) without an understanding of what I am, what this world is, how it works, why it works, and what the point of it is. Since (i hope) we share, at least somewhat, in this maner. I would like to ask what it is that makes you lust for the truth as i do?

Perhaps it is not lust, but a hunger or appetite. But then again, if you believe as I we are truly immortal souls, it could be a "karma" in that we, us philosophers, who are responsible for screwinng things up in the first place? It is our universal pennance? What do you think. There sure is not a lot of money to be made from being philosophical, is it? :bigsmile:

Serena phil
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 04:56 am
It is human nature to express curiosity and question the roots and reasons of our surroundings for our own humble satisfaction. What is perceived as 'truth' serves no more justification than faith. If the truth is incomprehensible, it may be difficult to lust. But the truth may be out to investigate us as well.

Throughout life's experiences, we may have already interfaced with the truth with obliviousness. However, to meet with the eye of the truth may not always be comforting, but the first step towards knowing is acceptance.
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 08:50 am
@Serena phil,
I do like the feeling of reading something that makes a light dawn in my mind. A whole bunch of chimeras grazing in that darkness then are dispelled all at once. The more of this light shines, the more I realize how expansive this darkness really is. So in a strange way, I feel I'm getting more ignorant as I seek in that I become conscious of a larger darkness as I study. Lately even, I've come to realize that my motives for seeking truth (a very hazy idea by the way, what is it? an unknown destination?) may not be as noble as I had before believed.

I think I can see why you've chosen the word, lust. It does in a way take on some addictive properties of sorts. Quite a few philosophers have neglected their physical health in a significant degree in pursuing their studies. I'm sure everything I just typed is ridiculously obscure. I'm not even sure I know what I'm talking about right now. :shocked:
mister kitten
Reply Tue 18 Aug, 2009 07:06 pm
I get that feeling almost all the time, Labyrinth!
Reply Wed 19 Aug, 2009 01:27 am
Labyrinth;84012 wrote:
I do like the feeling of reading something that makes a light dawn in my mind. A whole bunch of chimeras grazing in that darkness then are dispelled all at once...

I like that image.

To answer the OP's question: for me, I am into philosophy because I have always felt an intense curiosity about how the human mind operates.

After all, how can we discover Truth without having a solid understanding of the manner in which we conceive of such Truth? The more progress that I make toward understanding such things, the more content I feel to accept that such discoveries (like what is the meaning of life) are not only outside of our reach, but outside of our ability to even properly conceive of.

I'm still curious about my own mind, I'm also curious how much a more solid understanding of it and respect for its limits might advance our efforts to understand the world we perceive.
Reply Wed 19 Aug, 2009 01:46 am
I agree that 'lust' is not a good word but I agree with the sentiment. Thirst for truth, will to truth might be better.

Not all people interested in philosophy are driven by this (which is not to belittle those whose motives are different). I think what is driving you is a spiritual thing, it is not intellectual. Go with it and don't be afraid where it leads.

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