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Why are self-consciousness and the physical body polar opposites?
Why did we not feel anxious when we were self-satisfying ignorance creatures? Doesn't it belong to the inherent insticts? Or is this referring to 2098133298 years ago? Animals fear sth too, though they most probably will not contemplate death.
I do not see how shut-upness equals a lie .. I'd prefer to call it fooling oneself, thus ignore worrying exception from the ordinary order in order to rest calm. And I also do not see how untruth equals unfreedom.
I do not understand this sentence.
So lie of character actually just means that nearly every one feels pressure from the outside.. through certain cultural values, concepts etc and thus has to adjust to the society in restraining certain character traits. But this is absolutely necessary if we do not want to live in a chaotic anarchy. Our freedom of development is somehow limited but more or less just to a certain point.. if we'd cross it we would get on the nerves of our lovely fellow human beings. I dislike the term lie in this context.
And I do not really understand how salima's post relates, I think that one has to differentiate between telling a lie and repressing certain character treats which leads to him not being truly who he is and thus living a lie. And why does the situation lie to him? I reckon he is just used to ignore things.
This 'lie of character' is developed by the infant's need to adjust to the world. This unfreedom becomes mistaken shut-upness when the character becomes too fearful of the world to open itself up to its possibilities. Such individuals become 'inauthentic'; they are not their own person; they follow a life style that becomes automatic and uncritical, they become locked in tradition. This infant grows up becoming the 'automatic cultural-man'.
Why did we not feel anxious when we were self-satisfying ignorance creatures? Doesn't it belong to the inherent insticts? Or is this referring to 2098133298 years ago? Animals fear sth too, though they most probably will not contemplate death.
I do not see how shut-upness equals a lie .. I'd prefer to call it fooling oneself, thus ignore worrying exception from the ordinary order in order to rest calm. And I also do not see how untruth equals unfreedom.
So lie of character actually just means that nearly every one feels pressure from the outside.. through certain cultural values, concepts etc and thus has to adjust to the society in restraining certain character traits. But this is absolutely necessary if we do not want to live in a chaotic anarchy. Our freedom of development is somehow limited but more or less just to a certain point.. if we'd cross it we would get on the nerves of our lovely fellow human beings. I dislike the term lie in this context.
The question I would like to ask at this point regarding all of this is "So What?"
Or perhaps even, "Who Cares?"
In a Big Picture sort of way, how does any of this even matter?
Just curious.
The question I would like to ask at this point regarding all of this is "So What?"
Or perhaps even, "Who Cares?"
In a Big Picture sort of way, how does any of this even matter?
Just curious.
To live a lie one must consciously know the difference and willfully express that which is false. If the post is saying that we live in a lie, which tempts the question, who or what is creating the 'lie' Living in a lie might better explain the situation in which we find ourselves as humans, as we are not willfully decieving anyone. Our deceit, if we can even call it that because it is not willful, is on a non-conscious level.
The question I would like to ask at this point regarding all of this is "So What?"
Or perhaps even, "Who Cares?"
In a Big Picture sort of way, how does any of this even matter?
Just curious.
To live a lie one must consciously know the difference and willfully express that which is false. If the post is saying that we live in a lie, which tempts the question, who or what is creating the 'lie' Living in a lie might better explain the situation in which we find ourselves as humans, as we are not willfully decieving anyone. Our deceit, if we can even call it that because it is not willful, is on a non-conscious level.
I think this is true. Our society restricts us in ways that we cannot be who we really are. We have to act like someone else, someone who will fit in, someone who will not get noticed for the good or bad, someone who everyone will supposedly like. A very prominent example of this is in our schools, where many people cannot truly be themselves. This isn't healthy and is not the way to live life. The shutupness is really evident when we try to be people we are not and when we try to conform to societies standard. There are bonds holding us back in life and some are created by ourselves. We need to break these bonds and free ourselves.
I think that rather than lying to ourselves, its better so say we neglect or block ideas. We cant really fool ourselves, but we can block ideas to such a point we dont even notice we are blocking then, what is what I believe is called "lying to oneself".
Everone fells the need of irradiating ideas ever so often, some more and more complex ideas than others
I think that rather than lying to ourselves, its better so say we neglect or block ideas. We cant really fool ourselves, but we can block ideas to such a point we dont even notice we are blocking then, what is what I believe is called "lying to oneself".
Society indeed favours such blockages, but I dont think it forces then into us. We accept then due to weakness, and as we grow "strong", that is, capable of facing our fears, we break these blockages.
Yes but for the most part especially in schools, conformity is much easy to acheive than being yourself and maybe taking a harder path. For the most part, in our society conformists live life without all being too noticable and therefore have less room for making mistakes and such. It does not technically force us into these bonds but you can't say that the advantage is definitely there with the "normal" people.