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Reply Tue 12 May, 2009 03:12 pm
Do we live a "lie of character"?

Those who know say that Kierkegaard (circa 1840) was a psychoanalyst without fear of being laughed at because he knew that the scoffers are uninformed. Few sapiens have such courage born of self-confidence. The noted psychologist Mowrer said "Freud had to live and write before the earlier work of Kierkegaard could be correctly understood and appreciated." Such, is genius.

Wo/man is a union of polar opposites; self-consciousness and physical body. It is thus "the true essence of man". "Leading modern psychologists have themselves made it the corner stone of their understanding."

The evolution into self-consciousness from self-satisfying ignorance inherent in animal nature had one great tragedy for wo/mankind, which is anxiety or dread. It is our very humanness which produces anxiety, i.e. dread of death. This anxiety results from the ambiguity of our situation and our inability to overcome such an ambiguity. This ubiquity of ambiguity drives us into the creation of a virtual world in which to live. Self-consciousness cannot be denied, we cannot disappear into a state of vegetation, we cannot flee dread; we can only create delusions--a virtual reality.

The task of the sciences of psychology, psychoanalysis, sociology, and anthropology are to discover the strategies that humans use to avoid anxiety. How do we function automatically and uncritically in our virtual world and how do these strategies deprive us of true growth and freedom of action?[/b]

Today we talk about 'repression' and 'denial'; Kierkegaard, the pioneer, called these same things "shut-upness". He recognized the 'half-obscurity' in which wo/man lives his life, he recognized that man recognizes the truth of ceremony, how many times to bow when walking past the altar, he knows things in the same way that a pupil uses ABC of a mathematical expression but not when it is changed to DEF. "He is therefore in dread whenever he hears something not arranged in the same order."

Shut-upness is what we today call repression. Kierkegaard recognized a "lofty shut-upness" and a "mistaken shut-upness". It is important that a child be reared in a lofty shut-upness, i.e. reserve, because it represents an ego-controlled and self-confident perception of the world.

This 'lie of character' is developed by the infant's need to adjust to the world. This unfreedom becomes mistaken shut-upness when the character becomes too fearful of the world to open itself up to its possibilities. Such individuals become 'inauthentic'; they are not their own person; they follow a life style that becomes automatic and uncritical, they become locked in tradition. This infant grows up becoming the 'automatic cultural-man'.

Quotes from The Denial of Death; Pulitzer Prize winner for nonfiction by Ernest Becker.
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 10:39 am
@coberst phil,
'Do we live a "lie of character"?'

there isnt even any need to qualify the statement by the words 'of character' because when a person has begun telling lies, he is living a lie-he IS a lie. and eventually it becomes impossible for him to tell the truth of a situation, who is lying to him, and even when he himself is lying to others or to himself. it is a vicious circle.

though i also believe truth is relative on this plane of existence-there is an absolute truth, but that is not anything that can be known or comprehended by the human mind except with a high level of transcendence. so it is more a question of not allowing oneself to deceive or hide what appears to be true at the current level of experience and understanding and from the widest perspective that one is able to fathom. that is only an off the top of my head definition, it probably needs a lot of work to be able to express the ideal. in fact, it still leaves room for the person who is able to hide data from himself therefore he would be starting with an error he could never overcome.

i imagine one could propose that this is the ultimate freedom-accurate expression of the truth in all aspects of life.

Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 12:33 pm
Why are self-consciousness and the physical body polar opposites?

Why did we not feel anxious when we were self-satisfying ignorance creatures? Doesn't it belong to the inherent insticts? Or is this referring to 2098133298 years ago? Animals fear sth too, though they most probably will not contemplate death.

I do not see how shut-upness equals a lie .. I'd prefer to call it fooling oneself, thus ignore worrying exception from the ordinary order in order to rest calm. And I also do not see how untruth equals unfreedom.


I do not understand this sentence.

So lie of character actually just means that nearly every one feels pressure from the outside.. through certain cultural values, concepts etc and thus has to adjust to the society in restraining certain character traits. But this is absolutely necessary if we do not want to live in a chaotic anarchy. Our freedom of development is somehow limited but more or less just to a certain point.. if we'd cross it we would get on the nerves of our lovely fellow human beings. I dislike the term lie in this context.

And I do not really understand how salima's post relates, I think that one has to differentiate between telling a lie and repressing certain character treats which leads to him not being truly who he is and thus living a lie. And why does the situation lie to him? I reckon he is just used to ignore things.
coberst phil
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 02:30 pm
kidzi wrote:
Why are self-consciousness and the physical body polar opposites?

Why did we not feel anxious when we were self-satisfying ignorance creatures? Doesn't it belong to the inherent insticts? Or is this referring to 2098133298 years ago? Animals fear sth too, though they most probably will not contemplate death.

I do not see how shut-upness equals a lie .. I'd prefer to call it fooling oneself, thus ignore worrying exception from the ordinary order in order to rest calm. And I also do not see how untruth equals unfreedom.

I do not understand this sentence.

So lie of character actually just means that nearly every one feels pressure from the outside.. through certain cultural values, concepts etc and thus has to adjust to the society in restraining certain character traits. But this is absolutely necessary if we do not want to live in a chaotic anarchy. Our freedom of development is somehow limited but more or less just to a certain point.. if we'd cross it we would get on the nerves of our lovely fellow human beings. I dislike the term lie in this context.

And I do not really understand how salima's post relates, I think that one has to differentiate between telling a lie and repressing certain character treats which leads to him not being truly who he is and thus living a lie. And why does the situation lie to him? I reckon he is just used to ignore things.

The sentence means--This 'lie of character' is developed by the infant's need to adjust to the world. This unfreedom becomes mistaken shut-upness when the character becomes too fearful of the world to open itself up to its possibilities. Such individuals become 'inauthentic'; they are not their own person; they follow a life style that becomes automatic and uncritical, they become locked in tradition. This infant grows up becoming the 'automatic cultural-man'.
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 02:39 pm
@coberst phil,
The question I would like to ask at this point regarding all of this is "So What?"
Or perhaps even, "Who Cares?"

In a Big Picture sort of way, how does any of this even matter?

Just curious.

Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 02:55 pm
Well, in the end nothing holds any importance because you are dead. I mean, why even bother to ask? Why breathe? ... Smile In the big picture all of us do not matter at all. And perhaps even the earth does not.
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 03:06 pm
@coberst phil,
coberst wrote:

This 'lie of character' is developed by the infant's need to adjust to the world. This unfreedom becomes mistaken shut-upness when the character becomes too fearful of the world to open itself up to its possibilities. Such individuals become 'inauthentic'; they are not their own person; they follow a life style that becomes automatic and uncritical, they become locked in tradition. This infant grows up becoming the 'automatic cultural-man'.

I mostly agree with this, except that I dont think someone can be "inauthentic". Rather, the blockages that they form in their minds become part of thenselves, then they gain more or lose some, they are merely changing.

kidzi wrote:

Why did we not feel anxious when we were self-satisfying ignorance creatures? Doesn't it belong to the inherent insticts? Or is this referring to 2098133298 years ago? Animals fear sth too, though they most probably will not contemplate death.

I do not see how shut-upness equals a lie .. I'd prefer to call it fooling oneself, thus ignore worrying exception from the ordinary order in order to rest calm. And I also do not see how untruth equals unfreedom.

So lie of character actually just means that nearly every one feels pressure from the outside.. through certain cultural values, concepts etc and thus has to adjust to the society in restraining certain character traits. But this is absolutely necessary if we do not want to live in a chaotic anarchy. Our freedom of development is somehow limited but more or less just to a certain point.. if we'd cross it we would get on the nerves of our lovely fellow human beings. I dislike the term lie in this context.

Animals dont suffer in advance by antecipating events, at least not as far as I know.

Untruth equals unfreedom because to lies need to be mantained, while truth does not.

Most of our culture is far from being "more than necessary" Smile

TickTockMan wrote:
The question I would like to ask at this point regarding all of this is "So What?"
Or perhaps even, "Who Cares?"

In a Big Picture sort of way, how does any of this even matter?

Just curious.

My personal view in the usefullness of this kind of post is trying to make people challenge their "mental blockages" more, and the reason this objective is pursued is because people who are (or think they are) less blockaged than normal either are pushed by an instinct of helping the brothers in species or hope that making people think in those matters will make then anoy different people less Smile
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 04:35 pm
To live a lie one must consciously know the difference and willfully express that which is false. If the post is saying that we live in a lie, which tempts the question, who or what is creating the 'lie' Living in a lie might better explain the situation in which we find ourselves as humans, as we are not willfully decieving anyone. Our deceit, if we can even call it that because it is not willful, is on a non-conscious level.
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 07:23 pm
@coberst phil,
our deceit including self deceit, can become conscious. anyone read alice miller and her concept of 'soul murder'? a question to me is how to undo it? how to break the chains?

anyway the author is making a distinction between 'mistaken' shut-upness and what it appears to me he is considering to be 'appropriate' shut-upness. he also uses the phrase 'too fearful of the world' suggesting to me that he accepts there should be a certain level of fear of the world and hesitation in opening up to possibilities for an individual.

does it matter? obviously it does to some people and not to others.
Yogi DMT
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 08:41 pm
@coberst phil,
I think this is true. Our society restricts us in ways that we cannot be who we really are. We have to act like someone else, someone who will fit in, someone who will not get noticed for the good or bad, someone who everyone will supposedly like. A very prominent example of this is in our schools, where many people cannot truly be themselves. This isn't healthy and is not the way to live life. The shutupness is really evident when we try to be people we are not and when we try to conform to societies standard. There are bonds holding us back in life and some are created by ourselves. We need to break these bonds and free ourselves.
coberst phil
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 05:55 am
TickTockMan wrote:
The question I would like to ask at this point regarding all of this is "So What?"
Or perhaps even, "Who Cares?"

In a Big Picture sort of way, how does any of this even matter?

Just curious.


Freudian psychology has been dismissed by many. I am convinced that Freudian psychoanalysis is the principal source for our ability to "know thy self" and human nature. Theism and antitheism cannot be left behind until we comprehend the self and human nature. We cannot comprehend the source of theism and antitheism without the help of Freudian psychoanalysis.

I think that Freudian psychoanalysis may not me greatly useful for alleviating mental illnesses, especially in light of our medical pills that seem to help that problem, but Freudian theories regarding psychoanalysis is the only theories that I am aware of that helps us comprehend human nature such that we can begin the process of defined by the admonition to "know thy self".

---------- Post added at 08:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:55 AM ----------

GoshisDead wrote:
To live a lie one must consciously know the difference and willfully express that which is false. If the post is saying that we live in a lie, which tempts the question, who or what is creating the 'lie' Living in a lie might better explain the situation in which we find ourselves as humans, as we are not willfully decieving anyone. Our deceit, if we can even call it that because it is not willful, is on a non-conscious level.

We are conscious of our morality but we cannot stand it because our urge to live is very strong. We create illusions so that we can better repress what we do not want to be reminded of. It is like not looking down when we are high in the tree and to look down is too frightening and it can cause us to loose our hold on our precarious position.
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 03:18 pm
TickTockMan wrote:
The question I would like to ask at this point regarding all of this is "So What?"
Or perhaps even, "Who Cares?"

In a Big Picture sort of way, how does any of this even matter?

Just curious.

Everone fells the need of irradiating ideas ever so often, some more and more complex ideas than others Smile

GoshisDead wrote:
To live a lie one must consciously know the difference and willfully express that which is false. If the post is saying that we live in a lie, which tempts the question, who or what is creating the 'lie' Living in a lie might better explain the situation in which we find ourselves as humans, as we are not willfully decieving anyone. Our deceit, if we can even call it that because it is not willful, is on a non-conscious level.
I think that rather than lying to ourselves, its better so say we neglect or block ideas. We cant really fool ourselves, but we can block ideas to such a point we dont even notice we are blocking then, what is what I believe is called "lying to oneself".

Yogi DMT wrote:
I think this is true. Our society restricts us in ways that we cannot be who we really are. We have to act like someone else, someone who will fit in, someone who will not get noticed for the good or bad, someone who everyone will supposedly like. A very prominent example of this is in our schools, where many people cannot truly be themselves. This isn't healthy and is not the way to live life. The shutupness is really evident when we try to be people we are not and when we try to conform to societies standard. There are bonds holding us back in life and some are created by ourselves. We need to break these bonds and free ourselves.
Society indeed favours such blockages, but I dont think it forces then into us. We accept then due to weakness, and as we grow "strong", that is, capable of facing our fears, we break these blockages.
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 05:36 pm
I think that rather than lying to ourselves, its better so say we neglect or block ideas. We cant really fool ourselves, but we can block ideas to such a point we dont even notice we are blocking then, what is what I believe is called "lying to oneself".

I can get down with that, as its pretty much what i was attempting to say.
Yogi DMT
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 05:51 pm
manored wrote:
Everone fells the need of irradiating ideas ever so often, some more and more complex ideas than others Smile

I think that rather than lying to ourselves, its better so say we neglect or block ideas. We cant really fool ourselves, but we can block ideas to such a point we dont even notice we are blocking then, what is what I believe is called "lying to oneself".

Society indeed favours such blockages, but I dont think it forces then into us. We accept then due to weakness, and as we grow "strong", that is, capable of facing our fears, we break these blockages.

Yes but for the most part especially in schools, conformity is much easy to acheive than being yourself and maybe taking a harder path. For the most part, in our society conformists live life without all being too noticable and therefore have less room for making mistakes and such. It does not technically force us into these bonds but you can't say that the advantage is definitely there with the "normal" people.
Reply Fri 15 May, 2009 10:45 am
@Yogi DMT,
Yogi DMT wrote:
Yes but for the most part especially in schools, conformity is much easy to acheive than being yourself and maybe taking a harder path. For the most part, in our society conformists live life without all being too noticable and therefore have less room for making mistakes and such. It does not technically force us into these bonds but you can't say that the advantage is definitely there with the "normal" people.
I doesnt matters who is favored by society, I dont think anyone can be happier being a conformist rather than being oneself, therefore I dont think anybody would chose conformity because it is easier, but because they are afraid of the difficult of the other road.

By the way, just noticed my first post wich I though had been deleted somehow is actually there, being that why I quoted tick tock man twice. Cool how some time changes the answer to a quote, huh? Smile
Reply Fri 15 May, 2009 02:18 pm
This is all semantics and illusion.

EVERYONE is a conformist in one way or another.
You, me, everybody.

If you deny it, you are lying to yourself.
Reply Sat 16 May, 2009 12:41 pm
@coberst phil,
There are different levels of conformity though Smile

Saying that everone is a conformist is like saying everone is stupid. Obviously correct, but not exactly usefull Smile

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