@The Dude phil phil,
everyones addicted to something... if not drugs or tv or internet or sex or candy or working out or whatever.... if its against your lifestyle fine... but why FORCE that on everyone?
rock climbing has risks but people do it without ropes.
cholesterol sufferers can still eat bacon and bad stuff though its ruining health
drinkers and smokers with cancer continue on even on the death bed...
but the situations presented on hypothetical drug users is hilarious... every person has a completely different story... theres so many different reasons and ways and situations its silly to bother with reasoning like that...
its not fair to condemn something you dont approve of... but then again its not fair for others to be put in danger because of your situation... ESPECIALLY drunk driving
substance abuse doesnt just include illegal substances... over the counter meds, prescription drugs, alcohol, cigarettes... its hardly different than the substances that remain illegal...
there are responsible drug users too you know... ones who make honest livings and have strong morals too.
think of all the alcoholics who beat their wives and kids... for recreation.
and think of all the non drug users who commit crimes... no class or group is worse than the other...
im totally rambling arent i... time for bed