prothero;101177 wrote:The notion of "evil" is a value driven concept. Man is a meaning seeking and value driven creature. Even more appalling than the moral evil humans inflict on one another is the notion that there is no such thing as evil, that there are no real values, that all outcomes are equally desirable or acceptable. The absence of values is the ultimate form of evil and implies the loss of purpose, meaning and significance for human existence.
That is excellent.
So if evil did not exist, then that would be even worse than evil!
The absolute darkness is the absence of both light and darkness.
More bitter than bitterness is to lose one's sense of taste.
To see the ugliest girl is still prettier than to be blind.
Perhaps the question can evolve a bit to,
"Why do some people say they do not believe in good and evil?"
By the definition above, this would be the worst state of mind to be in.
A bland nothingness.
And I have to say, for all intents and purposes the author of a story is omnipotent over his story. Not necesarily in a cosmic sense, but from an analogical one as "God the author of our lives".
Of course I initially thought it bad that you all did not just agree with me, but by doing so, a greater truth has emerged.
Good : as in opposition to evil
Good : as encompassing the
dynamic nature of evil to reveal an ever increasing goodness.