I think you guys said it before me, that mass generalizations are usually false. It just takes one counter example to prove a mass generalization false, and usually that counter-example is readily available.
So why do so many people believe mass generalizations? I suspect it has something to do with mass generalizations being told from above. In fact, I'm tempted to believe that lazy people don't come up with their own generalizations, but simply accept the generalizations that other people tell them.
It's so much easier to just believe what everyone else is saying, because then you don't have to get off your ass to actually validate the concepts or examine them yourself. It's the leaders who actually figure things out for themselves that create mass generalizations that favor their policy decisions. And why not? As long as the massess will allow it, the leaders will take advantage of the situation.
Iraq anyone?
In my opinion, society isn't bad, stupid, or even lame at all. Society has made the greatest advances in culture, humanity, technology, life span... almost everything you can think of, society has improved it. As for the majority of people in society, however, me thinks they're just lazy and want the government to do everything for them. Not all societies are like this, though. It cycles.