Why America is sick

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Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2009 06:18 pm
I found this great article tonite,
it fits with how by gargling with salt water, you can cure the common cold.

The Dark Skinny Blog Archive Big Pharma: The Pallid Success of The Germ Theory

I get a daily email from Reuters Health News that tells me all the up-to-date progress that Big Pharma is making with its drug research. I've been watching Big Pharma for several years now. But isn't it peculiar that after nearly a century of modern medicine, after the discoveries of anti-biotics, vaccination, genome therapy, biotech, nanotechnology etc., we are still no closer to an actual cure for cancer or aids or heart disease or Alzheimer's or HIV etc - the list goes on and on ?
All the drugs that are spewed out of Big Pharma's labs are essentially anti-inflammatory painkillers for particular conditions. These drugs only make the patient feel more comfortable but very few of these drugs are outright curatives are they? Perhaps I'm being too cynical here, but maybe this is the way Big Pharma likes it, maybe this is firm secret policy with the drugs companies. After all, if there was a cure for cancer, these patients would have no further need for their very expensive cancer drugs, radiotherapy or surgery would they? So Big Pharma seems to prefer inventing drugs/procedures that the patient will have to take for a long time. Look at the "Cancer Industry" for example. It's HUGE. Hundreds of expensive drugs, Radiography machines, expensive surgery. My goodness - if a successful cure was found for cancer, what would happen to all this huge industry? Dependency seems to be key to Big Pharm's illusive strategy. Simply because this continuing dependency will naturally mean more continuing profit for Big Pharma. This dependency is a bit like a drug pusher making the user so dependent on his drugs that he buys more and more and more. Hence the huge profits.
Or perhaps I'm being unkind here. Perhaps the whole basis of Medicine and Big Pharma - The Germ Theory - is incorrect ? So what does the Germ Theory say ? Basically put, this theory says this: One germ ->One disease -> One cure. But this theory evolved way back in the early 1900, and was "invented" by Louis Pasteur. However this wasn't the only theory that was prevalent at the time - there was another theory, postulated by Antoine Bechamp (and backed up by Gunther Enderlein, Claude Bernarde, Royal Rife, Gaston Naessens etc.) called The Terrain or Cellular Theory.
Here is a comparison of the two theories:
1. Disease arises from micro-organisms outside the body.Disease arises from micro-organisms within the cells of the body.2. Micro-organisms are generally to be guarded against.These intracellular micro-organisms normally function to build and assist in the metabolic processes of the body.3. The function of micro-organisms is constant.The function of these organisms changes to assist in the catabolic (disintegration) processes of the host organism when that organism dies or is injured, which may be chemical as well as mechanical.4. The shapes and colours of micro-organisms are constantMicro-organisms change their shapes and colours to reflect the medium(pleomorphism) 5. Every disease is associated with a particular micro-organismEvery disease is associated with a particular condition.6. Micro-organisms are primary causal agents.Micro-organisms become "pathogenic" as the health of the host organism deteriorates. Hence, the condition of the host organism is the primary causal agent.7. Disease can "strike" anybody.Disease is built by unhealthy conditions.8. To prevent disease we have to "build defences".To prevent disease we have to create health.

Notable also, is that the Germ Theory is the only theory that Big Pharma dares to allow - perhaps because this theory fits their money-making "business model" so well. This model conveniently allows Big Pharma to continuously invent thousands of expensive, singular drugs that are only useful for one particular disease or condition. They invent a drug or procedure, patent it and then make huge profits off their sales despite the drug's or procedure's usually vicious or unpredictable side-affects. The Cellular Theory would kill this business practice dead. But any independent medical or herbal advance or cure, anything that threatens Big Pharma's money making drug machine, any small competitor that comes near to a cancer cure, any American researcher that has an odd and very peculiar wish to save the lives of desperate and diseased people instead of making money for shareholders, well, these upstarts are either banished or jailed(Check out Gaston Naessens or Tullio Simoncini - both threatened Big Pharma with cancer cures). I'll give you another example: Pau D'Arco also known as Taheebo, has been used as a successful cancer cure in Paraguay and Brazil for many years now. The indigenous Paraguayan Indians have been drinking the tea from the bark of this plant as a tonic for centuries. Big Pharma heard about it, researched the plant and discovered the active ingredient - lepachol. Big Pharma then did their research bit, multiplying the concentration of their now synthetic lepachol 10,000 times stronger than exists within the plant itself and then fed it to rats who all died. Therefore, it was decreed that this plant has no effect on cancer, and the FDA banned it as a dangerous plant!! Ah, so easy to banish the competition!! But they're still drinking the tea in Brazil and Paraguay, still curing cancer(easy to find evidence on the internet).
Other simple cancer cures? Try Sodium Bicarbonate solution. Check it out here. Have a Candida problem? Try Sodium Bicarbonate or Iodine(Lugol's Solution) or Hydrogen Peroxide. Notice how alot of these simple remedies seem to cure multiple ailments(think Terrain Theory)? I've used all these simple, cheap remedies for other problems and never felt better(I'm 60 y.o.) with no aches and pains, no rheumatism or arthritis, taking no drugs and my heart's good. But you're probably shaking your head in a no is my guess. If these work then why don't Big Pharma tout these as remedies? Well, because there's no money in it is there? You can't patent natural base chemicals like Hydrogen Peroxide, Iodine or Sodium Bicarbonate can you? And it wouldn't be politic to admit that such simple cures could possibly be more effective than Big Pharma's own singularly expensive and "highly tested" remedies, would it? So Big Pharma would far rather you buy their expensive drugs(for a long time), since this returns far more profit doesn't it? And if you consider all these simple remedies, they all fit in very well with Bechamp's Terrain Theory, don't you think? - Simply because your not attacking a germ with a specific drug(Germ Theory), but instead, you are treating and changing the inner terrain of the body - making it more alkaline, more oxygenated (You are, in effect, creating the conditions for a healthy body, strong immune system etc.) - something that Cancer and Candida microbes hate because they like anaerobic and acid terrain conditions.
And you might well ask, why hasn't anyone set out to prove, by way of research, the efficacy of The Cellular Theory then? In America, it takes $200 million to prove safe proof of purpose for just one drug to the satisfaction of the FDA. And the only sector that has that kind of funding is Big Pharma. There are no small start-up biotech companies or Alternative Therapy clinics that have this kind of money. So they are completely shut out of this drug loop by both Big Pharma and the FDA.

In 1914, in Paris, Madame Victor Henri
Reply Sat 21 Mar, 2009 02:02 am
nearly a century of modern medicine, after the discoveries of anti-biotics, vaccination, genome therapy, biotech, nanotechnology etc., we are still no closer to an actual cure for cancer or aids or heart disease or Alzheimer's or HIV
I stopped reading there, that's unfounded. We have developed treatments for all of these diseases using many therapies. Those treatments are definately closer to a cure. Cancer has been killed in people, that's a cure. There's no guaranteed treatment and they aren't without cost or side effect, but that's about improving it.

Now, in reading the rest, this is the standard overdone conspiracy theory. It overlooks the absurdity that people in drug companies might actually want to survive the world's diseases too, so it wouldn't make sense to not legitimately look to cures. Yes, there is monetary incentive for sickness or to not provide optimal treatments in certain cases, but competition between companies helps to avoid this.
Reply Thu 26 Mar, 2009 12:52 pm
Whenever the label 'conspiracy theory' is used as an argument against something, a warning signal goes off in my mind.

The warning is this : conspiracies do not exist. Do not theorise that it is possible that government and its cronies could possibly lie to keep you slaving away.


It overlooks the absurdity that people in drug companies might actually want to survive the world's diseases too, so it wouldn't make sense to not legitimately look to cures

If the people in the drug companies do not have disease, and are self-centered and greedy, they will exploit people.

So, yes, greed and self-centredness is absurd.

You imply, however, that as greed and self-centredness are absurd, they do not exist.

Thats not just absurd, but plainly false.

People are often greedy and self-centred. They lie. They cheat. Lying and cheating are conspiracies. Conspiracies exist. Its sad. Its perhaps absurd. But its true.

Stopping reading because somebody is pointing to a lie, is the pits of blind faith.
Reply Thu 26 Mar, 2009 03:22 pm
How do you know apart from Big Pharma that other companies/agencies/bodies/labs/whatever are not working on a cure for cancer, HIV etc?Smile
Reply Thu 26 Mar, 2009 11:37 pm
Maybe we are sick because we have chosen desire over contentment. Just a thought.
Reply Fri 27 Mar, 2009 11:06 am
Elmud wrote:
Maybe we are sick because we have chosen desire over contentment. Just a thought.

Or perhaps, satisfaction over action...
In any event, my bet is that most disease, is dis-ease...Relax the mind and feel fine....

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