So if what I gather is correct, you support the fact that the Record label acts as an agent for a "live gig" which I am assuming is the artist, band, etc. The users then upload the mp3 song (owned by the label). But are you implying that the user is entitled to promotional costs for uploading the song?
Legally speaking, the property rights pertaining to music and intellectual property centers around copyrights. In a copyright, the right of the writer (i.e. artist, originator) has automatic and exclusive rights to their work for a given amount of time. The copyright extends for 70 years after the originator dies, 95 years for the publisher from publication, or 120 years after creation of the original work. During that time, the originator (i.e. the artist, publisher) can file for actual damages
plus profits received from the infringing party
or statutory damages under the Copyright Act of 1976