Beam me up Scotty...No intelligence in Obamaland...The law is a form of relationship, like race, or patriotism... One anyone has been trained to think through that form they will not be able to think outside of it...That is the problem with the man; that having mastered one form, he is trapped by it...He is not the master of it; but it is the master of him... Our problem is this: Everything immoral that has been done in this land ahs been done with the support of law... As much as we notice when some one does something purely illegal, maybe 99% it was legal and the result is still our poverty and destruction... So the law, because it is not just is not law, but only a formality... That is the world Mr. Obama lives in, of trying to make forms which have long ago lost their value to work... That is the problem, that the form, the united state, our form of law, our form of economy, our form of religion, and many other forms of relationship do not work; and his presidency is the pooint where the futility of this people is coming face to face with the impossibility of changing any form from the inside, or even of seeing the necessity of change from the inside...