Everything can be related to anything to understand that thing, yet the paradox of neither "neither" is the oppisite of such, for it can only be related to its self or nothingness, since when you apply it to another concept such as the concept of good and bad, it applies a diffrent meaning that it once did, this is due to the english language, and thats why you didnt get it the first time

untill I dis-implied it from all relations, and said it be "neither NEITHER, not the object that its neither of, but I mean its neither "neither", and related it to its self, which be nothingness.
This paradox is created from are minds using the english language, and are brains using its own, people have a "click" moment once they figure it out, for this is due to the brain having a gap in unknown information caused by the flaw in the english language, and it being filled. (Relating to "nothingness" helps to make it click)
(*Note, Your comments where very insightfull and Im glad that you posted them, I created a post called "What It Is" which relates to the your converstation which was created from the flaw of relation of that concept which led to a mis-perception of what I was trying to realy ment.)
(*Note please dont relate this post to the concept of "good" & "bad" and the neither of the to, since that is the related to the concept of the neutral of the neutral, for such is the oppisite of the concept of neither "neither".)
(*Note, D.D.O.O.R stands for Dualism Duality Of Oppisite Reality, its a kind of formula that I created to reveal oppisites in reality by means of 8fold "aka" dualsim of duality dictation, I revealed the first method of using the Ddoor in my blog, yet I have deleted it, since I have choosen to hold back the release date of the formula's full structer and methods of use to a another date.)