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The thread "Why are Men, Why are Women" got me thinking, and I'm posting this as a new thread because it's way off on a tangent from the original post.
Generally speaking, men identify themselves as men, and women identify themselves as women, based on their biology. Your physical sex is determined by the chromosomes and genitals that you're born with.
So how can it be explained then, that there are a number of trans-gendered people who are not happy with the gender they've been born with, and feel that they should have been born as the opposite one? If its an environmental factor that causes it rather than genetics, what is the nature of that factor? If gender identity resides somewhere other than the genitals and chromosomes, where is that? The soul? If there's no soul then where? If it's entirely biological then surely 100% of the population would be 100% content with the gender they've been assigned at birth but that is clearly not the case.
(Disclosure: I am speaking from personal experience here as one of those people who identifies as a gender opposite to the one with which I was born).
issues that include family dysfunction, social alienation, stifled creative ability and pharmaceutical manipulation.
I think these all can be causes but I'm not convinced that there aren't more than that. I certainly have experienced no family dysfunction, no stifled creativity and no pharmaceutical manipulation (beyond a moderate amount of alcohol and ordinary cigarettes). Social alienation, I believe, has been a result of my gender identity issues and not the cause of them, as I've been displaying gender identity issues since pre-school and the social alienation didn't start till high school.
And I definitely agree with the distinction between "sex" and "gender".
I think everyone, heterosexual and gay alike are searching for answers to this. IMO. Being a heterosexual myself I have always wondered why, in lieu of the deadly consequences that are involved with that particular lifestyle, what is it that drives the "gay" to participate in such activity when there are escape mechanism's such as we are all familiar that can relieve any sexual tension that may arise? If I am over the top her please tell me for I do not wish to put you on the spot.
Is is a compulsion? Is it a need for love out of desperation? I can even understand having a deep, loving relationship with a person of the same sex without engaging in such dangerous behavior. I have a very good friend whom I love dearly who has been a part of my life for many, many years yet it is unfathomable to even think about engaging in any type of sexual activity.
Please forgive me if I am out of line, as it is just impossible of me, and I speak only for myself, to understand where that "compulsion", if that is what it is, comes from. And if you could, through medical breakthroughs, become 'heterosexual" if you could?
n today's society as we effort to use "political correctness" to condone all, heretofore less than socially acceptable behavior is what influence it has on our young as they venture though those pubescence years of sexual awakening as they are conditioned to learn being "gay" is a "optional" lifestyle, how many "choose" to be gay who are in fact, not.
Personally, I think all sexuality should be restricted from the public domain and be confined to that very private and secluded sanctuary of the the individuals private domain. Call me old fashioned if you will, I don't mind. No one needs to know what takes place there unless it is manifested in the public domain and proves to be a negative influence to the young and innocent that frequent that neutral ground.
Unfortunately we are innundated with sex every where we turn and it is underestandable why so many are confused as nature is not allowed to "take it course" due to all the "influences" there.
Personally, I think all sexuality should be restricted from the public domain and be confined to that very private and secluded sanctuary of the the individuals private domain.
I would be willing to agree here, although not to the point of citing homosexuality as a "less than socially acceptable behaviour." I do agree that public acceptance of alternative lifestyles (homosexuality, amongst others, included) has lead to their increase, which has influenced how many people identify with these lifestyles.
I don't think this causes people to "choose" to be gay (or any other of these lifestyles) when they simply aren't. It isn't such a cut-and-dry identification of straight or gay or bisexual.
I'm not so sure that it's really increased at all, just become more acceptable. Whereas today a gay person is granted the legal right (at least in the UK - I don't know about all; US states, I think in some it may still be illegal) to engage in homosexual relationships, this has not always been the case in the past.
And even today, where homosexuality is legal, some people live in communities or families where it is so negatively viewed that a gay person still has only those four choices to look forward to.
Despite that, I am still no convinced that the gay population is bigger now than it ever has been. Its just that fewer people are forced to deny their natural sexuality.
Do you mean simply that sexuality should not be displayed publically, or that it should not be talked about at all?
And by sexuality do you also include heterosexual activity? If for instance it is not acceptable for two men to walk down the street holding hands, is it also unacceptable for a husband and wife to hold hands in public?
Salo, in all due respect, ...
Neither of these is 'good' however. In the first case, homosexuality and bisexuality come to be seen as a defect; in the second homosexuality/bisexuality is a choice, or at the very least something that can be cured. Neither is desireable, but the origin of sexuality (something a lot of people would like with both sex and gender) does seem to be somewhere within this mix.
Salo, you seem to identify more with the first option. Do you think that sexuality is something we are born with, or at the very least something we cannot change or control (only accept or deny what is 'really there')? I think this speaks a lot to how we view gender, as both it and sexuality seem to align themselves.
... I do believe however, that those who are bisexual have the ability to choose, at least in terms of whether they settle to a heterosexual lifestyle or a homosexual one.... However even if it's a genetic thing, doesn't mean it's a defect.