Poseidon;33389 wrote:Square root of a negative number?
Does anyone here believe in this chimera?
On another forum someone in all seriousness suggested that such things were possible.
Now I can say the number X is bigger than 10 whilst also being less than 5, and it is a single number, not a set of numbers.
And I could claim that such a number is imaginary.
But I would be speaking out my posterior.
Complex numbers (a+bi) are indeed just as real as are 'real' numbers.
Real and Imaginary are classifications of number, not literal descriptions of them.
There is nothing imaginary about the root of negative numbers.
There is an endless number of numbers such that their square is -1, and they are not equal to each other.
For example: 4-d hypercomplex numbers a+bi+cj+dk, where a,b,c,d, are real and [ i^2=j^2=-1, ij=ji=k, ik=ki=-j, jk=kj=-i, k^2=+1, ~(i=j), ~(i=k), ~(j=k).]