Long ago, this country was founded because men and women alike were tired of the tyranny of taxation without representation. These men and women were tired of being spat upon by a crown which cared less about them then the dogs at their feet. They fought, they died, and they freed us from a fate worse than death. Slavery to a crown which would use us as canon fodder before given us freedom.
Our original leaders were not rich, not powerful and not hungry for control. They were men from normal houses, men of honor, respect and virtue. These men stood against a kingdom alone for each one was a traitor to the crown and at risk of being hung by the neck until dead. They truly stuck their neck out for their desire for life, liberty and the persuit of happiness. Those men were elected by the people to run this great nation NOT because they desired it but because the people required it. The people needed them and they answered the call, some of them even reluctantly. George Washington himself denied the presidency 3 times before being convinced.
Now we face something worse then the overbearing crown of england. Something even worse than taxation without representation. We face the destruction of our civil liberties and the irradication of our ability to persue freedom and happiness. Our country is being run by crooks and criminals who's sole obligation is to their bank accounts. They thirst for money and power and will walk on the broken dreams of the American people to achieve it. They see us as insects, lower even than dogs. They see us as idiotic, incompetent, lowly pond scum who's only purpose is to purchase products at enourmous rates to fill their wallets with "donations" from companies who have even less ocncern for us then our government does.
We are being bred to consume and to stimulate the economoy. We do not need a man who spends his fortune on convincing ads and mud-slinging debate tactics. We don't need someone who is chomping at the bit for the power and prestige of the position. What we need is a man who understands, truly, what responsibility the president has to his people. We need a man who knows what his role as congressman means to the people he represents, we need a man who cares. But we will never find such a man because no man of value, virtue, honor and respect is crazy enough to step up to the plate. No man of that sort would purposely put himself in that position. We need a man who does not want to be president. Only THAT man has the right to lead. Only THAT man has a right to be in congress or the senate or in the white house. Only a man who is truly FOR the people, put there BY the people with thoughts OF the people!