withawhy wrote:Speaking as the most consciously aware of all animals, is the internet evolving our mind?
Yea it is; for those who use it a lot I don't think there's any doubt of that.
But I think a strong caution is in order - to all of us who spend a lot of time glued to our chairs. While there may be mental, knowledge-based and cognitive benefits to using the internet,
it distances us from each other (no more physicality needed to interacting),
encourages a sedentary lifestyle (sit on that butt... yep, keep sitting),
bombards us with more information than we should try and bite off at once, "...
and has sparked a dramatic rise in Attention Deficit Disorder diagnoses." as the linked article referenced. Yea I'm guilty of this too (if 'guilty' there be!).
The article also spoke of technocrats being at the 'top of the social order'. While I think this is already true - to some greater or lesser extent - it bothers me intensely. I believe one of the biggest problems we have in this world is a growing impersonality with each other. We no longer need to visit, or talk face to face, to interact. The more distanced from each other we become, the more 'impersonalized', conceptualized and dis compassionate we become. I believe that
destructive isolation isn't cured by chatting online, messaging on a web forum or online gaming.
That being said, I'd like to re-state that I'm not anti-technology one bit. But I think the more we rely on depersonalized means for learning, the more we break down the human bonds we all need.
jumps off soapbox and ducks for cover>