@John W Kelly,
The best definition I could give you in laymans terms, at least as I understand it, is the energy field that is all around us. Wikipedia has a fairly decent description(although lengthy-for it's actual content.) The site halexandria.org has an easier to understand definition I feel. (I have a hard time trying to decipher a lot of mathematical equations in order to understand a concept, so I search for the simpler. Let's see....Metaphysics for Dummies.....kind of an oxymoron, I know. But I am how I am.) Experiments have shown that in the 'so-called' empty space between two points (in a vacuum) that there is a measurable voltage between these 2 points. That represents the ZPE of that space. Being able to concentrate and utilize that energy is what it is all about.
Tesla.....well, let's just say he had a concept of things that most of us would kill to have. (Figuratively speaking of course:o) Myself included. The things he had done and was experimenting with goes hand in hand with ZPE and the cosmic field. Not to mention the simple fact that none of us would have electricity as we know it today without him. Kinda wierd though that he was supposedly born during a bad electrical storm. Wish I could have been there when he got the bragging rights to providing the country's power grid away from Thomas Edison. Bet that ruffled some feathers.:bigsmile: Electricity is all around us from the ground upwards into space. It only makes sense that there is a way to harness some of it for humankind. That is precisely what Tesla wanted to do with his Colorado facility in the end, but being as that concept wasn't profitable, it never came to be. Not because Tesla didn't try...just the people who were funding his work. But there is a lot of good reading on Tesla and his work out there. Check it out. And if you want to look into what some agencies are still doing with the technology that Tesla abandoned out of his own fear for humanity, check out the HAARP project that is going on in Alaska and elsewhere in the world as well, I'm sure. That stuff worries me. I am all for utilizing the energy around us for good, but some of the ramifications of what they are doing and the possible side-effects makes one wonder about the true nature of the severe weather patterns that have developed around the globe, as well as other 'natural disasters'. I don't delude myself for a second that just because Tesla quit shooting lightning up into the ionosphere, everyone else has abandoned that area of research too. Sorry, don't believe it for a second. You can't let THAT BIG of a cat out of the bag and expect it to just go back inside to be forgotten.