Well as you are probably aware, there is a plan to bail out the US economy by the tax payers (US citizens) paying 700 billion dollars. I don't know if this is supposed to permanently keep America from entering this probable depression or severe recession but the GDP is somewhere around 14 trillion annually, and 700 billion is a serious concern which newspapers seem to be less concerned about compared to petty spiritual issues of McCain and Palin. Who cares! Yeah, I am disturbed by how Palin is sharing her thoughts on God and how dinosaurs and humans coexisted, but the economy is what matters right now, especially with how the Republicans have ignored its stability for too long.
According to Homer Truet Bone, "It cost 75 cents to kill a man in Caesar's time. The price rose to about $3000 per man during the Napoleonic war; to $5000 in the American civil war, and then to $21,000 per man in WWI. Estimates for future wars indicate that it may cost $50,000 for future warring countries per man killed. Also, during the Iraq war, it cost the US Congress 11 million dollars per man killed!
Instead of taking lives and having this needless war the public didn't want truly in the first place, we should spend that money on alternative fuel like solar or wind power. Heck even nuclear is better than oil, not that I'm in favour of nuclear, solar is my choice, especially with the new 3D cells as they're called that will generate 500 times as much power.
NRDC: Press Release - Big Oil Allies in Congress Vote Against Energy Solutions 61 Times
This basically says that the US congress has denied bills to help alternative energy sources be the ideal for USA 61 times!!:eek: And US doesn't have universal healthcare! Yet its amazing how much the incentive corporations get from the government when corporations are harsh to the people who are sponsoring this scandal to begin with. Its kind of evil, and consumerism, followed by some ignorance that fuels this.
I have to say, it doesn't matter if the democrats or republicans get elected, to me. I would define the better of the two by how much they put the people over the corporations. It is the people's money, there should be referendums for big spending like 700 billion!!
The needs a self sustaining economy, the people don't want greed and such linearity that is only negative to other nations and the Earth as a whole. In what should be a democracy, the public has little say in the matter of creating a self sustaining economy and society beneficial in the long term.
The US Congress:poke-eye:, and the public should also get a double:poke-eye::poke-eye:, for the apathy and lack of assertiveness is part of the problem.
If anybody wants to contribute to how the US should spend budget spending and Canada for that matter because I live in Canada it matters to me:D, thats what this topic is about. (In respect to the next term, 4 years)