@Victor Eremita,
Quote:would the toilet have been possible if humans had not invented the wheel?
You have a good point here, but it wouldn't be difficult to argue that the invention of the wheel was to some extent inevitable...the invention of what we now think of as a flushing toilet? Could have taken any of number of routes.
Which actually brings me to my first thought on this topic...Many times when I stand up and move to flush I have plenty of time to think about that little invention (I grew up fairly poor and toilets just don't work as quickly in some households...) and am at once awed and confused.
Awed because yes! It makes our lives soooo much nicer, but confused because when compared to things like computers, they really haven't advanced much for the last several decades. Other things that deal with them have, but not them, themselves. If you sit on them for very long, your legs still go numb and while no one likes to talk about it, you'd think someone would have found a way to take care of the annoying poop-then-splash-directly-back-to-the-hole-it-came-out-of effect.
While we're at it...it's really a very simple design! Nothing complex about it and nothing that someone with a little common knowledge and the internet can't fix on their own. Compare that to some of these home theater systems coming out!
As a race it is apparent to me that we value our entertainment far more...
You'd also think we would have come up with a way to make such an instrument take up less room! Good grief!
Quote:...toilet paper can't transport waste efficiently...
Sure it can! It can most assuredly transport it far enough to not stink in the city. Besides, if our society lived like that, we would just find a way to sanitarily and stink-freely transport it
...I can't help but be rational...and contrary...

It's too much fun!