@Didymos Thomas,
I can't believe the stupidity here. Its a frickin' missle
defence system.
Russia is alone on this one if they actually think by cutting themselves off of NATO anyone else will join them. So why does Poland become a threat? They will come crawling back,

. Russian envoy said it was temporary. (Yeah, pending the conditions, time persuing)
Because Russia hates it when the USA gains EU allies.
I thought that Russia would appreciate all that the US has done, idiocy of the Bush administration. They both have financial incentive to claiming oil. And the US has dedicated so much money to the war rather than alternative resources causing this economic crisis in the first place.
Sometimes I wish I could just take the first rocket that Iran can successfully gets into space and with the help of world technological support and effort, compact all the world's oil into it and send it into space. Then, every frickin' country sends
all their nukes (if they have any) and targets and blows up all the !@#$%^& oil while in space. Not a bad global project, eh? Russia would be in the dumps, but tough luck, find something else to build an empire on, 'biggest country in the world'.
Or is it about an empire anymore, why should it ever have been? Thats the insanity. Its like our animals instinct is conveyed through a feudal essence, look at Darfur too!! In the end its about MONEY. MONEY and people's ignorance is the intrinsic factor of our prolonged, emphasized animal instincts. (Nothing wrong with some but for crying out loud!)