Tue 4 Dec, 2007 11:00 pm
Hello Everyone,
Who am I that is the Question and I would say that Know thy Self is probably the best advice ever giving anywhere in history or I dare say in the future.
At times I think I am just a normal person with dreams and goals like everyone else and other times I think I could be the initiator of historic events.
I am not a philosopher; I was directed to Walter Russell because of my interests in WD Gann a great speculator of the Stock Market many years ago. It seems to me that WD Gann was illuminated by the teachings of Walter Russell.
So here I am, I have purchased several of Walter's books and the HSC, I have read just a little bit from his books and continue to do so and I have read the first chapter of the HSC. I have not gone any further because I have not committed my time and energy to this endeavor.
I look forward to the day that I decide to commit to the path on enlightenment.
I should be moving to the central Florida area in a few months and was wondering if there where any Walter Russell, Math, Sci-Fi, Stock Market groups in that area whose members are like minded.
Also I was wondering if anyone had any experience in writing Grant Proposals concerning Walter Russell cosmology/science.
Well I think that is everything about me in a nutshell J
Thanks for listening
@Emerald King,
Warm welcome to you EK! Thank you kindly for the introduction and certainly look forward to your participation in the forums. Glad you found us!

Welcome, I think you should enjoy yourself here, as there are many with like interests,example Walter Russell. Make yourself at home and think about responding or posting a new topic. It is nice to have you with us!!
Hello Justin and Boagie,
THanks for welcoming me to this site. I have been lurking for a bit before I posted my introduction. I look forward to learning more and when I have something to say I will speak.
Thank you