Hello Justin and all. I made my first entry on 07/31/2007, but did not proceed since the demands of my final psychology courses proved all consuming. Now that I have completed my BA I'd really like to return to my first love, philosophy. I should note that I have abjured the term "philosophy" on the grounds that it refers to the "love of wisdom", and I suggest that wisdom is inherently and necessarily provisional/relative - in the context of Wittgenstein/Rosch definition. I propose in its place to use the term 'philantilipsy'. "Philantilipsy" is drawn from the Greek for understanding (antilipsis). It seems to me that understanding underpins all wisdom. Without understanding (whether conscious or not) the likelihood of wisdom would seem problematic.
Woops! I'm off and running 'before acceptances' - they say in horse racing.
I look forward to being able to engage with others in both such more-general considerations, and specific areas of interest.
Thank you to whomever was responsible for creating the forum and to those whose ongoing involvement sustains its existence.