@de Silentio,
Everyone is a philosopher if they speak there perception of how they view are existence, yet some lack a form of peotical art to it, due to the lack of intented thought that they put into there philosophy
Intellectualy based thought and wisdom from trail and error, spoken into word's with intent to show there point of view and perception of such.
Yet there come's to a point within philosophy that a philosopher would not call him/her self as a philosopher, for they would understand what it really is, and that's only what you or another say philosophy is, therefore you would not need to call it such, nor would philosophy mean the same as another has defined as.
So What qualifie's a person as a philosopher?
The point of view and perception of this existence that you follow and speak, or the point of view and perception of another's of this existence.
So it's what you say, or another has said for you that will only qualifie you as such, yet a true philosopher:rolleyes: would not define him/her self as such, yet other's would define him/her by such.
But have to have some shared known word to relate or communicate.
Wana make a new word for such??

Wonder how we can make a new word:rolleyes:
So every person that posted in this thread and shared there point of view(founded in wisdom or intellectualy based thought or observation of this existence) and perception of what qualifies a person as a philosophy, has just commited an act of philosophy, therefore wouldnt every person that has intent to do such be such?
Well I think such, that's why it all rym's like such:rolleyes: