VideCorspoon, thirty minutes and I am still in histerics.
Personally Daleader, I think it was a photo technician who coined that phrase, just look how it boosted the work load. I find that I don't enjoy photographs or art all that much. It is not that I don't like the work, I can trully appreciate that side of it, it is more that like your sentence suggests, what image do the words create. I have a memory and while it is still functional, I use it to reminicse from the still shots in the mind.
I will give you a heap of words, all you have to do is pick up an atlas and point to the spot.
It is a cold, windless, mid winters night, there is no light as the moon is away but every now and again the aircraft lights that truckies use, poke towards me. It has got to be at least half an hour before they finally pass, doing about one hundred miles an hour, ( that is 160 kilometers in our rate). I am not lost but I have lost my beanie, I have never known such cold. I was on my way west to Perth for the defence of the America's Cup.
In your atlas, run your finger through the centre of Australia, from North to South and just as you hit the waters edge, you will see me waving at you.
No I am not cursing the God(s), I am waving.