@de budding,
I must say I admire the fact that they took - no less - than 78.000 schoolchildren instead of the usual classroom to a dozen of schools making the experiments unrepresentative.
Their experiments are fair and tested a number of times, I cannot complain on any inexperience or misuse of the situation for their is none.
Their results however are not shocking and only putting statistics to what we already know. Bread with cheese or meat is much healthier than the bowl of chocolate covert cornflakes and releases energy at a slower - and better - speed. We already knew that among many other things discussed in the experiment.
Since you are from Britain you know Jamie Oliver (For the Americans; he's a popular cook in Britain and some parts of Europe) and his great project of giving childeren healthy food to fight obesity. I think these project should be one hundred percent government funded. Sadly I learned a few weeks ago that many of the schools got lazy again (And many people found the one pound 50 to much) and started to throw everything in the deep fry again.