hi jeeprs
i agree that the 'whereabouts'. origin, nature, cause of the laws of physics is just assumed by scientists and it appears that to progress science one doesn't have to think about it.
I think one possible consequence of emergence is a higher level of indeterminism as much as determinism. I also think that emergence can give rise to new 'forms' like consciousness, that has a physical effect upon the universe. Further these new forms are quite possibly not material and therefore science may not be enough to understand the non physical realm.
The problem for me of inherent order inevitably giving rise to everything, is that it feels like the conservation of information theory that science posits. This information is spread about through physical process, but the conservation implies non creation. Just change. That just doesn't feel right to me. Nothing is lost or gained. Its just a variation of determinism in the non material information medium. I mean what is order? Its an abstract concept like a conservation law. A conservation law is a form of order.
Yet even science is grappling with inherent chaos in its description of the universe. I know there are those who therefore believe in hidden variables and a holographic universe, but that just feels like trying to get rid of all chaos. Reducing chaos to illusion. It seems to me that science can only describe in terms of order by the very nature of its method. Probability theory is a strange hybrid. If it is fundamental then chaos is as inherent in the universe as much as order is.