this sounds like a great book, i believe without a doubt that we are capable of thinking ourselves into illness so there should be no reason why we could not think ourselves out of illness, i have watched my mother beat cancer twice while dealing with diabetes & she swears she achieved this by defying the cancer & performing visualisation techniques to expel the tumours, could be something in it, could just be fluke, either way i'm just glad it worked for her. the mind if focused has far more potential than we know i feel, i tend to pluck theories from everything around me & the theory of avoidance was made clear to me through mountain biking, when hurtling down a rocky slope you need to train your mind to look at the line you want to take, if you glance at the nasty rock that could crush your bones then you are very likely to hit it, from this i began to apply the same technique in life choices, this also seems to work (i just narrowly escaped redundancy with this very trick), perhaps it would also work with the body, who knows, we have nothing to lose trying anyway, good luck with the book, i just wish i would be able to read it.