We perceive the world using our five senses. These senses are very limited. We define or feel happiness based on these senses. We are happy many time a day. - When we are hungry we eat and we are happy. When we are tired we sleep and we are happy. But is this really happines or is this just satisfying our corporeal desires?
We desire things - so we go out and buy them - are we happy then? Imagine you are a millionair and you can buy anything you want to satisfy all of your desires. you will be sitting in a place surrounded by all of your possesions? Are you happy?
We want to be appreciated, liked, respected etc.? How do you attain that? Well, some people may buy their friends. Are these real friends? So you really need to think about what it is that truly makes you happy. Is it having things respect money - material things? Are your desires limited to material things?
All these are base on our limited five senses. An additional sense can be attained through which the perception is expounded to percieve infinit light and true happines.
Happiness can be attained in this life.
Are you happy? What makes you happy? Why would you ask this question if you are happy and/or feel complete?
Here are some link that explain it in a very good way.
Q: What is happiness?[/CENTER]
[CENTER]A: Happiness is the sensation of the fulfillment of the internal[/CENTER]
[CENTER]capabilities of man. It is fully clarified only when we realize precisely[/CENTER]
[CENTER]what and how we should fulfill, what are goal is, how eternal it is and[/CENTER]
[CENTER]independent, and to what extent it is the one meaningful thing in the[/CENTER]
[CENTER]world that is now being realized.[/CENTER]
[CENTER]In other words, happiness is the sensation of nearing the Creator,[/CENTER]
[CENTER]because that is the purpose of creation-a sensation of advancement[/CENTER]
[CENTER]toward a never-ending wholeness.[/CENTER][/CENTER]
[CENTER][CENTER]Perception of Reality[/CENTER]