Pythagorean wrote:Does anyone think that proper spelling and punctuation are important when it comes to philosophical discussion.
I mean does the clarity of spelling and punctuation 'rules' make a difference?
Does it improve the thinking process? Does it help us to understand each other better?
Punctuation is not so crucial but the spelling certainly does matter because a large proportion if not a majority of people on Internet forums use English as a second or third language.
When they see a word spelled differently they have no idea if the other spelling is not in fact another word, with another meaning intended, so they are then obliged to spend their time on looking it up to see.
Consider for instance "sain person" an example which I noticed recently (no name mentioned). Did it accurately intend to mean
"sain" as if to imply beatification, or would it rather imply to be connected with the
Welsh record label, or was it just a routinley careless mispeling of "sane"?
Would you be sure of the intended meaning of a German word if it were not spelled exactly as it should be? I know from experience that I would not and this compliant not my original; I have seen it before elsewhere.
There was more than enough trouble already with English words spelled differently but pronounced the same, and vise versa with the considerable variations of dialect, not to mention a large variety of slang expressions which are not so easy to look up.
--- RH.