May I say "more friendly please"?

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Reply Sat 14 Oct, 2006 09:45 pm
I'm sure everybody has different points from those of others. It is why we gather here for discussion. May I suggest that we tend to use words like "my opinion is" "my view is" "my understanding is " on some topic instead of conclusions on other forum users, or asking questions only to prove others wrong. When I hear different opinions, I will be very cautious for I think maybe others are right. I shut my mouth till I really know whether others are right or wrong. Even if I find others really wrong, the first thing I consider is that others have speech freedom to express wrong ideas. I should express my different ideas to them in a polite way.

I'm hesitating to continue posting threads or replies.

Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 02:35 am
@Nates Mind,
What does your Avatar mean?
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 03:28 am
@Nates Mind,
Nate's Mind wrote:
I'm sure everybody has different points from those of others. It is why we gather here for discussion. May I suggest that we tend to use words like "my opinion is" "my view is" "my understanding is " on some topic instead of conclusions on other forum users, or asking questions only to prove others wrong.

On reading that, just to check, I reviewed immediately the sudden appearance of this

The Phenomena, Structure and Principles of Mind

and this

the Origin of Society

to see if anything like that was to be seen as a preamble or caveat to the propositions.

The nearest we seem to get to it appears to be this:

The essay of how to rebuild a mind gave me some clues to understand the origin of society.

Unfortunately, though, I fail to spot the credit to the author of the article.

Nate's Mind wrote:

When I hear different opinions, I will be very cautious for I think maybe others are right.


This Hello had rather appeared to me to assume an air of authority.

Nate's Mind wrote:
I shut my mouth till I really know whether others are right or wrong.

Comments like that occurs so often on forums that there ought to be a thread about the irony of it, just how loudly some need to shut up.

The other variation is just how much it may take to say that something is not important.

Nate's Mind wrote:
Even if I find others really wrong, the first thing I consider is that others have speech freedom to express wrong ideas. I should express my different ideas to them in a polite way.

As a first thing it might be wiser to consider that, as a matter of fact, moderators have been known to ban members because they disagree with their ideas.

I was very hesitant when much younger. I would rehearse everything within my head before I'd say it, as if there were thus a way to be exactly right, and even after raising the courage to speak I would worry if it was taken kindly or not.

It was terrible inside my head though, with all sorts of opinions arguing amongst themselves to see which was better fit to be spoken, never the best of friends amongst themselves.

Nowadays I am not nearly so hesitant, not so much because I know that I am right, but simply because of getting old and nearer to death, with not so much more of the time to spare to try to be right. I have also found that arguing with others outside my head is the much better method to discover my own opinion anyway.

I surprised myself several times over yesterday. "Did I write that?" I wonder, suddenly startled by the text I see before me.

It is also much clearer within, between the ears, with the crap suitably excreted, so to speak. Sometimes I go for half an hour at a time without the slightest sensation of an internal argument to settle, nor the need for a meditation cushion to achieve the same effect. The struggle is rather to find the motivation to think.

I have heard tell though that in effect my interaction with other people does not always appear to be so beneficial to them, at first sight at least, and to that I must confess to being very selfish about it, but when forced to choose between their peace of mind and my own, I am rather inclined to do what I can for me.

This is not a kindergarten, and you are a big boy now. Give it a go.

-- RH.
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 06:24 am
@Nates Mind,
Nate's Mind wrote:
I'm sure everybody has different points from those of others. It is why we gather here for discussion. May I suggest that we tend to use words like "my opinion is" "my view is" "my understanding is " on some topic instead of conclusions on other forum users, or asking questions only to prove others wrong. When I hear different opinions, I will be very cautious for I think maybe others are right. I shut my mouth till I really know whether others are right or wrong. Even if I find others really wrong, the first thing I consider is that others have speech freedom to express wrong ideas. I should express my different ideas to them in a polite way.

I'm hesitating to continue posting threads or replies.


Nate, we should be polite. Right or wrong is simply the perception of the person that has posted the information. One person may perceive something to be right, and another may perceive it to be wrong. There's no point in arguing in a way that it's going to be insulting to others and I agree with you.

The community guidlines in this forum use the keyword 'Enrich' and that's the type of attitude I hope everyone will embrace.

If there is a post that you feel is getting out of hand, simply push the button in the top right corner of that particular post. This is a way of alerting the staff here on the forum and you message will be reviewed and proper action will be taken if it gets out of hand.

Please continue on your journey and feel free to post your view of things. As we all share and grow, we build a community of friendship, trust and loyalty. Also remember that out of confrontation comes communication.

Please remember 'everyone', that while you disagree with others and want to attack, do not attack the person that's posting. There's enough people attacking each other on the net and in the world today that it's not necessary to attack each other in this forum. Thank you!

Everyone please remember that this forum is here
Nates Mind
Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2006 08:35 am
@Nates Mind,
Thank you for your encouraging.
Electra phil
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 07:30 am
@Nates Mind,
Nate's Mind wrote:
Thank you for your encouraging.

I wonder why Nate left. It is a mystery to me. The energies here are very strange. Justin I really like you and your intentions with this board, but geesh--what is going on here?

The collective energies here pose a huge problem for reasonable discourse or inquiry. New seekers will never post here due to the quality of some of the contributors this site has drawn.

I will check back later to see if it has become resolved, or turned into something akin to sciforums. You and I had an amazing connection, but I simply won't participate here with these kinds of energies. Sorry about that.

You mentioned once to me that intellectuals often have poor social skills...that is not a quote on what you said, but the drift. I would say outright emotional immaturity is a phrase that seems appropriate.

I would think about scratching this whole group and starting over, focusing on Walter Russell's teachings alone. These teachings offer a higher vibration of genius and beauty and could draw a more focused and lighter group.

There is much to be explored with his material. Traditional science is proving much of what he said to be true.

Well, that is my 2 cents.
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 08:31 am
@Electra phil,
Electra wrote:
I wonder why Nate left. It is a mystery to me. The energies here are very strange. Justin I really like you and your intentions with this board, but geesh--what is going on here?
As we are all energy, and this is an open discussion forum, we're all going to be different. Hopefully Nate will come back.

Electra wrote:
The collective energies here pose a huge problem for reasonable discourse or inquiry. New seekers will never post here due to the quality of some of the contributors this site has drawn.
This site has only been open since march. Having positive energy here will attract other positive energies. I would like nothing more than to weed out the negative energy and send them to other forums but that doesn't promote growth or change and doesn't even give them a chance to grow into positive energy.

Electra wrote:
I will check back later to see if it has become resolved, or turned into something akin to sciforums. You and I had an amazing connection, but I simply won't participate here with these kinds of energies. Sorry about that.
Your participation is needed. Something you may say or do on this forum could spark positive thinking in someone that may be negative. I understand that you don't want to dwell in negative energy as I don't either. Negative energy is like a virus and it infects a persons thoughts and actions. This can however change. People who are amidst the negativity and darkness are the ones most desperately needing to see the light in others. We can turn our backs and boot them out of here and wash our hands of it or we can provide and environment for growth and positively influence those needing it most.

Electra wrote:
You mentioned once to me that intellectuals often have poor social skills...that is not a quote on what you said, but the drift. I would say outright emotional immaturity is a phrase that seems appropriate.
I certainly agree.

Electra wrote:
I would think about scratching this whole group and starting over, focusing on Walter Russell's teachings alone. These teachings offer a higher vibration of genius and beauty and could draw a more focused and lighter group.
I agree on Walter Russell's teachings but I don't agree on scratching the entire group. Walter Russell's teachings were aimed at finding the beauty within all and allowing that genius and positive energy to rise from within. If we just throw up our hands and scratch the hole thing, then that would be against not only the teachings of Walter and Lao Russell, but also the teachings of Jesus.

So Electra, I feel you are a light in this forum and have brought a positive energy to this community. I would encourage you to continue shinning your light here. You are correct in your statements but you also have the oppotunity to positively lead others to the light. The most effective leaders, lead by example. Throwing up your arms and walking out is not a good example.

Now, in regards to people who are constantly on the attack and are bringing people down, this is in direct conflict with the goals of this forum. We can mention it, discuss it, and even promote more positive thinking but we cannot change a person, they have to change when they are ready. If the environment is provided yet they continue to be destructive, then action will be taken to protect the goals of the forum.

Thank you for writing this and I hope I've made some sense and I sincerely hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
Electra phil
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 08:39 am
Justin wrote:
As we are all energy, and this is an open discussion forum, we're all going to be different. Hopefully Nate will come back.

This site has only been open since march. Having positive energy here will attract other positive energies. I would like nothing more than to weed out the negative energy and send them to other forums but that doesn't promote growth or change and doesn't even give them a chance to grow into positive energy.

Your participation is needed. Something you may say or do on this forum could spark positive thinking in someone that may be negative. I understand that you don't want to dwell in negative energy as I don't either. Negative energy is like a virus and it infects a persons thoughts and actions. This can however change. People who are amidst the negativity and darkness are the ones most desperately needing to see the light in others. We can turn our backs and boot them out of here and wash our hands of it or we can provide and environment for growth and positively influence those needing it most.

I certainly agree.

I agree on Walter Russell's teachings but I don't agree on scratching the entire group. Walter Russell's teachings were aimed at finding the beauty within all and allowing that genius and positive energy to rise from within. If we just throw up our hands and scratch the hole thing, then that would be against not only the teachings of Walter and Lao Russell, but also the teachings of Jesus.

So Electra, I feel you are a light in this forum and have brought a positive energy to this community. I would encourage you to continue shinning your light here. You are correct in your statements but you also have the oppotunity to positively lead others to the light. The most effective leaders, lead by example. Throwing up your arms and walking out is not a good example.

Now, in regards to people who are constantly on the attack and are bringing people down, this is in direct conflict with the goals of this forum. We can mention it, discuss it, and even promote more positive thinking but we cannot change a person, they have to change when they are ready. If the environment is provided yet they continue to be destructive, then action will be taken to protect the goals of the forum.

Thank you for writing this and I hope I've made some sense and I sincerely hope you understand what I'm trying to say.

Justin, this in itself is philosophical discourse. I am looking at this very unemotionally. Right now it is like making a purchase, not making an emotional judgement.

The proposed product says to me "no sale".

I am certain this originates solely to my viewpoint that I wish at this particular juncture of my life to participate with positive and uplifting people.

As far as hell goes, I have already been there, done that. This is a stage of my life where I have little tolerance for toxicity.

This is not meant to be disparaging to certain group members. But it is my honest assessment and speaks to my willingness and perhaps even to abilities I do not have at present.

If I am able to build these lightbearing abilities and offer people something of value, without a basic astonishment at behaviors, I promise I will return.

I sincerely hope to maintain a friendship with you on some level.

Best of luck--
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:05 am
@Nates Mind,
Completely understood.

Recently I left a job because of the overwhelming negativity. There were fights among employees that involved knives and steel pipes. This was not an environment nor a people I wanted to around... so I do understand where you are coming from.

Things will change here in regards to the situation. I'm not sure how but I can't help but ask myself, "What would Jesus do?"
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 09:40 am
Justin wrote:

Things will change here in regards to the situation. I'm not sure how but I can't help but ask myself, "What would Jesus do?"

If it is a good idea to hang on a cross, that would be the question to ask.

Personally I am more inclined to begin by wondering if it really was such a good idea after all.

--- RH.
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 10:06 am
@Electra phil,
Electra wrote:

The proposed product says to me "no sale".

That made me laugh.

Perhaps there's a better bargain to be had in the Philosophy department of Walmart, or it might be a better bet to put up a "truth wanted" ad in a personal column.

They say they want the truth and then they want to send it back for a refund if it is not quite to their taste, like they already knew what the truth was so as better to try it for size, as if the truth would not be fit to judge them best.

--- RH.
Electra phil
Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2006 04:32 pm
Justin wrote:
Completely understood.

Recently I left a job because of the overwhelming negativity. There were fights among employees that involved knives and steel pipes. This was not an environment nor a people I wanted to around... so I do understand where you are coming from.

Things will change here in regards to the situation. I'm not sure how but I can't help but ask myself, "What would Jesus do?"


Well so it says in KJV, Jesus lost it in the temple once.

Do you notice a pattern, that some teachings call karma...that is, the same kind of theme/lesson presents itself in your perception of reality, until it is resolved?

I believe and have experienced this as Truth!
Electra phil
Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 05:35 am
@Electra phil,
Justin, I have listened to what you said. I am not sure if an apology is in order or what to really think. I do not like the idea of being annoyed or resistant to my fellow man. But I use the excuse "I am merely human", knowing there is a lot of work to do regarding compassion, discernment, forgiveness and patience.

I can't leave the group, because I think this group is important on many levels.

We can also throw in here that bit about a woman's perogative. Using any lame excuse I can come up with until I understand why I KNOW my fellow man IS ME and still finding many people that are irritants to my being.

Maybe adopting a personal philosophy will help.


Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2006 07:03 am
@Electra phil,
Electra wrote:
Justin, I have listened to what you said. I am not sure if an apology is in order or what to really think. I do not like the idea of being annoyed or resistant to my fellow man. But I use the excuse "I am merely human", knowing there is a lot of work to do regarding compassion, discernment, forgiveness and patience.

I can't leave the group, because I think this group is important on many levels.

We can also throw in here that bit about a woman's perogative. Using any lame excuse I can come up with until I understand why I KNOW my fellow man IS ME and still finding many people that are irritants to my being.

Maybe adopting a personal philosophy will help.


No need for an apology as there isn't anything to apologize for. I do thank you for being here though.

Those irritants... they are hard to deal with and certainly do tend to put a persons personal philosophy to the test. It's during those times that we are faced with opportunity for personal growth and a better understanding of that 'Fellow Man' we're so close to.

No need for me to ramble... Just glad you came back to shine in on this forum.
Electra phil
Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 01:38 pm
@Electra phil,
Electra wrote:
I wonder why Nate left. It is a mystery to me. The energies here are very strange. Justin I really like you and your intentions with this board, but geesh--what is going on here?

The collective energies here pose a huge problem for reasonable discourse or inquiry. New seekers will never post here due to the quality of some of the contributors this site has drawn.

I will check back later to see if it has become resolved, or turned into something akin to sciforums. You and I had an amazing connection, but I simply won't participate here with these kinds of energies. Sorry about that.

You mentioned once to me that intellectuals often have poor social skills...that is not a quote on what you said, but the drift. I would say outright emotional immaturity is a phrase that seems appropriate.

I would think about scratching this whole group and starting over, focusing on Walter Russell's teachings alone. These teachings offer a higher vibration of genius and beauty and could draw a more focused and lighter group.

There is much to be explored with his material. Traditional science is proving much of what he said to be true.

Well, that is my 2 cents.


This was a wrong assessment of this board and what to do. I have fallen in love with the whole field of philosophy today.

Thanks you for the work you have done!

One of my friends has a slogan "often wrong but never in doubt", yes.
Reply Wed 6 Dec, 2006 07:20 pm
@Nates Mind,
Thank you Electra. It's hard not to fall in love with Philosophy, it's a part of us all.

I've been very busy with work and family so it's difficult for me to get in here as often as I'd like. I did however send Nate a PM and he hasn't even read it. I hope everything is ok with him. Sure would like to understand more of where his studies had led him.

Thanks again for hanging in there with us.
Nates Mind
Reply Mon 18 Dec, 2006 12:53 am
@Nates Mind,
Hi Electra/Justin,

Thanks for your message. Sorry for my "absenteeism" without saying a word.
I was busy working in last two months. As I said, I am the person working and thinking. Now I came back happily.

Electra phil
Reply Mon 18 Dec, 2006 02:42 am
@Nates Mind,
Nate's Mind wrote:
Hi Electra/Justin,

Thanks for your message. Sorry for my "absenteeism" without saying a word.
I was busy working in last two months. As I said, I am the person working and thinking. Now I came back happily.


Great Nate, welcome back. Smile
Reply Mon 18 Dec, 2006 08:57 am
@Nates Mind,
Nate, I completely understand how that goes. It's been a very busy month for me as well and I too have to make some responses here in the forums.

Glad to see you're back and please do enjoy.

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  3. » May I say "more friendly please"?
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