The Statement

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Reply Tue 20 Jun, 2006 01:16 am
The Cobra Commander has something to say. But before I continue I apoligize for refering to myself in the third person. And yes that is my real name my parents were drunk when they named me. Just kidding. Anyway I'm new to this and when I checked it seemed as if no body has posted much so I gots to pick up the slack and Philisophize? Here it comes from my perspective. People have for a long time tried to figure life out. Throughout time people have been going about trying to determine what life is. Philosiphers analyzed the crap out of things that dude Descartes went to a paranoid extream if I rember from class correctly. Religouse dudes offerd supernatural explinations in order to understand and explain that in which they could not understand. The way I figure it, in short life is a paradox, it exsists in a contradiction and this is why nobody has been able to explain it. If you examine the duality in everything you will see this too be true. Is it coinsidance that almost everything has a contrary? Male Female. Night and Day, Hot and cold. You get the point. Two truths exsist at once and at the same time contradict each other and yet still remain true. Its like a sun beam its neither a particle nore a wave length its both. This is why everytime someone says I've figured it out, some other dude is ready to contradict him. This is so aparent in the case of many philosiphers. And if you examine both philosiphers you will find that they are both right and they are both wrong. Beacause truth is both, truth lie's in the duality of things. When we veiw things in extreams we veiw things dispraportionaltaly. But this is not a bad thing either we need duality and contradiction in order to distinguish and to indentify. But overthinking to this degree I feel is unhealthy. I belive we do what we do and thats it. Their's is nothing else to worry about. The reason I was initialy drawn to philosophy was I wanted to figure life out in order to have controll. Beacause I felt powerless in my life. And when I read other philosephers stuff I get the impression this was some of their hidden motive as well. But the more I got into philosophy the more I began to see that some of it really made no sense, or was really irelavent to a persons experiance of life. Its more about workabilaty than it is about ethics. If life was ment to be solved or understood through a simple philosophy we all would have figured it out by now. But I firmly understand the fact that everyone must figure it out in their own way. Life was never meant to be solved even though I still look for solutions to it, its olny natural. Its hard to ripp your mind away from the fantasy world that we all have created for ourselves. And we dont need too. In the end nothing really matters and what I've discovered is that if we understood life it wouldent be any fun and its in the absance of understanding that we truly experiance the magnificence. Its easy for me to talk like this when I am comfartable at home. But I know what its like to be cold and lonley. Philosophy doesent help a whole lot if your getting shot at and addicted to crack or something. But I think if you can connect to the moment and connect to the truth withen than your all gravy(good). Everyone must find their own way to . I figure the hardest thing to face is that you are already dead. But in this moment you are immortal. But its true you really got nothing to loose. The moment you were born you were condemnd to death. Its a dark thought but also a freeing thought. Once you embrace death you have everything, cause really what do u have to loose? But honistly screw all the stuff I just said. All you need to know is that you dont need to do or know anything. Why would you need too? Too pay the rent and survive? I guess so, but you really dont have to if you dont want to do. its simple baby

Do your thang

Scincerly: Cobra Commander

P.S. I know my spelling sucks but well if you dont like it, we should exchange harsh words
Cobra Commander
Reply Tue 20 Jun, 2006 01:20 am
@Cobra Commander,
Wow Cobra Commander your amazing. Your so sexy too. Give me a call sometime..... wait I'm cobra commander.....wait I just typed "wait I'm cobra commander".........DAMNIT!!
Reply Fri 23 Jun, 2006 07:45 pm
@Cobra Commander,
Welcome to the forum Cobra!

Ok, for your post. You mentioned the duality of things... Well, it's natural law that's explainable by the science of nature in which is balance... rythmic balance interchange between opposing pairs. It's not contradiction, it's balance and love which is also balance. There is only one source for all that is and that source is light.

Philosophy without science is like shooting from the hip. You have to account for science and nature when dealing with philosophy. The problem with this is that the physicist will draw a line between that of which he can sense and provide evidence, however, it goes far beyond that of which can be sensed with instruments and sense-ranged man. There is too much that is beyond our comprehension to have science without philosophy and vice versa.

It's not that all philosophers are right and many people have different philosophys which makes us all different. But there is one thing that ties us all together and that is science and nature and that leads back to the one scientific substance which is light. God is light.

Look at mankind today and what's happening in the world around us. We are at war because man doesn't comprehend and understand that there is only one creator of all that is. There is only one cause to all effect and there is only one God. Man however, has divided people and caused great wars because we aren't worshiping their God. I've seen the Church all over the world pass judgement on those who don't worship their God in the way that they interpret what God is. We have this divided thinking and understanding of only effect... what about the cause?

You mentioned in your post that the hardest thing to face is that you are already dead. I have to disagree. Man's body may be dead but a man's body is just water and elements combined together with a lot of other scientific crap. Doctors learn more and more about the body but they have no clue as to what man really is. Death, if that's what you want to call it, is something to happens to all of nature and also birth. For everything we comprehend to be matter (which is but one substance), will eventually die and be reborn. Once again, rythmic balanced interchange between oposites. As you mentioned with the word duality.

What people don't understand is the cause. Our body is an effect and our body isn't man. Man is spirit which is energy which comes from the One universal substance which is light. Our body will refold back into the earth but our spirit (soul) doesn't ever die. It's energy from one universal source and the mind thought creativity of one God and that will never die.

The reasons we're our here fighting over religions is because man has misunderstood and continues to misunderstand life and the natural law of balance. We've evolved over the centuries from barbarians to what we are today and we're still not that far past the barbaric stage. Mankind will eventually understand that which is within.

You mentioned truth... I feel truth is within. Based on all that I've said above, truth is found only when a man listens and is illumined with the universal knowledge that is available to those who will be still and quiet enough to listen to that spirit within... which is man... which is God... which is light... which is omnipresence... which is life... which is immortal!

Thank you for your post and I look forward to your response.
ms anthropist
Reply Thu 29 Jun, 2006 10:54 am
@Cobra Commander,
oh no! the pair of you. firstly, ms cobra, how can some-one lacking the necessary curiosity and thirst for knowledge that characterises an aspiring philosopher be drawn towards philosophy? Who dare you misunderstand self-help with the finest art of human knowledge wherein the first principles of all sciences are drawn. And Justin....i don't quite get you. are you taking of pantheism? couldn't it be merely behaviourism. can we get back to the start and please, please, offer foundations to our assertions.
Reply Wed 5 Jul, 2006 09:17 pm
@ms anthropist,
ms anthropist wrote:
oh no! the pair of you. firstly, ms cobra, how can some-one lacking the necessary curiosity and thirst for knowledge that characterises an aspiring philosopher be drawn towards philosophy? Who dare you misunderstand self-help with the finest art of human knowledge wherein the first principles of all sciences are drawn. And Justin....i don't quite get you. are you taking of pantheism? couldn't it be merely behaviourism. can we get back to the start and please, please, offer foundations to our assertions.

Please understand that Cobra made a post in his words and his understanding and personal interest in philosophy. Shouldn't we start where people are rather than starting where we think they should be? Philosophy is a strict discipline for some and for others it pertains to everything in life no matter how big or how small.

My foundation is trying to understand the cause rather than living life in the effect.
Reply Thu 6 Jul, 2006 07:19 am
@Cobra Commander,
On another note, we are looking for leaders in sections of the forum that are a strict discipline. Please pm me if you should be interested in this sort of thing.
Cobra Commander
Reply Thu 3 Aug, 2006 03:22 pm
Firstly Justin I liked your response it got me thinking. I've been busy so I havent had a chance too reply. And thank you for defending my honor. I may not have the technical philosophical whatever. But I'd say sure philosophy is a analytical sceintific thing and what not. Maybie I'm not technically a philisophical type. But in the end our experiances are compiled through thought and emotion. Emotion is a way more powerful thing than logic can ever be. Emotion is what gives life its luster, to disregaurd it as hoky poky stuff is stupid. I'm not trying to sell my perspective or trying to convince anyone that I know whats right. I just offer what I know to be true in my own life experiance. and angry person to chill out.
de Silentio
Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2006 03:00 pm
@Cobra Commander,
Cobra, it is the very fact that emotions are so powerful that they need to be controlled. Emotions can quickly become overwhelming to a person, and then the person is more likely to make irrational decisions. A person can become intoxicated by emotions.

Logic and ethics exist as an emotion suppressers, they keep emotions to a moderate, controlable level.

"I just offer what I know to be true in my own life experiance" - cobra

Wouldn't you like to verify that the truth derived from your own life experience is accurate? You don't want to be a cave dweller do you?
Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2006 09:13 pm
@Cobra Commander,
I too have been very busy. Summertime is a difficult time to post on forums. There's so much to do and never enough time.

Cobra, I also am not a book educated philosopher. Comments in this forum on philosophy are welcome from anyone. Philosophy is something that anyone should be able to discuss. There's a good chance we all have a lot to learn from each other if we so choose to do so.

Certainly it's recommended that we control our emotions. Emotion is strong but there is nothing more powerful than faith. It's important that both are under control.

Please don't be discouraged from posting just because you aren't as educated in Philosophy as others. It's that yearning and desire to learn, and the thirst for knowledge and understanding that matters, and nothing else. There's a lot of philosophy out there to discover, don't stop discovering.
Reply Wed 15 Nov, 2006 08:09 am
Hello cobra commander. Feel free to speak to me on any subject you wish . What others do not consider to be philosophy is a philosophy in itself. Who can put a barrier on philosophy? not me thats for sure.

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