I tried to post this a few days ago, but was disallowed to post here for some reason.
So here I am.
Father of 3, professional cook, artist, writer, and pseudo-philosophical amateur.
While philosophies do interest me a great deal...I do not profess to know the differences between Plato's teachings and Aristotle's. I do not understand everything there is about the intricacies of philosophical teachings, or their latin names.
What I do know however, is that I can observe both sides of any debate without bias, and understand both sides without prejudice. This small talent is something I feel that many people should learn, for it is something that has enabled me to be a leader amongst my peers, and continually succeed in my career.
What does this have to do with philosophy?
Philosophy is the pursuit of wisdom,a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means. This is not something you can do if you are stubborn, and unwilling to accept someone else's ideas while rejecting your own.
It is also an analysis of the grounds of and concepts expressing fundamental beliefs. This is something you can not do if you do not have an open mind.
I look forward to learning from all of you, and hope you can all possibly learn something from me as well in time.
Sorry about the rather long-winded post, but it's my intro, so I'm milking it.
Thanks for listening.