My intro...days later

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Reply Wed 11 Oct, 2006 07:16 pm
I tried to post this a few days ago, but was disallowed to post here for some reason.
So here I am.
Father of 3, professional cook, artist, writer, and pseudo-philosophical amateur.
While philosophies do interest me a great deal...I do not profess to know the differences between Plato's teachings and Aristotle's. I do not understand everything there is about the intricacies of philosophical teachings, or their latin names.
What I do know however, is that I can observe both sides of any debate without bias, and understand both sides without prejudice. This small talent is something I feel that many people should learn, for it is something that has enabled me to be a leader amongst my peers, and continually succeed in my career.
What does this have to do with philosophy?

Philosophy is the pursuit of wisdom,a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means. This is not something you can do if you are stubborn, and unwilling to accept someone else's ideas while rejecting your own.
It is also an analysis of the grounds of and concepts expressing fundamental beliefs. This is something you can not do if you do not have an open mind.

I look forward to learning from all of you, and hope you can all possibly learn something from me as well in time.

Sorry about the rather long-winded post, but it's my intro, so I'm milking it. Wink

Thanks for listening.

Reply Wed 11 Oct, 2006 07:29 pm
Hello, aristoddler, you sound like my kind of guy, much the same as me- possibly. I believe we've met in the threads. Ive always been a keen writer, though you woudnt believe it by my spelling. So what kind of things do you write about, im interested.
Reply Wed 11 Oct, 2006 08:01 pm
Human interest stories, kids' books, some non-published poetry, and a few scripts for comic books.
Conceptual design is much more what I'm currently doing, since writing takes time from my family.
Reply Wed 11 Oct, 2006 08:05 pm
Very true, when i begin a project it always means many long hours alone with my head in the clouds-but thats the nature of the beast. What sort of conceptual design?
Reply Wed 11 Oct, 2006 08:23 pm
Generally speaking, anything that begins as an idea which needs to be defined is a conceptual design.
If I jot down a dozen pages of crib notes about a gang-war that begins as a robbery at a liquor store in the wrong turf, and turns into a hostage situation when the robbers take refuge in a library after being chased by the second gang that is chasing the first one off their turf get trapped in the building as well; causing a three way standoff involving hostages...the hero of the story turns out to be an old war veteran that the library hired as the janitor or something flaky like that...: Then I have done my job, and some ghost writer can finish the details that I started for him.

Conceptual design is like a cure for writer's block.
Reply Wed 11 Oct, 2006 08:26 pm
Welcome. Let me apologize for the permission problem.

I like the way you look at Philosophy also. It all boils down to Human Relations because that's the here and now.

Here's a thread I started on Philosophy. This would be a great place to start.
Reply Wed 11 Oct, 2006 08:35 pm
Conceptual design is actually right up my street, Ive been righting for donkeys years and im always always dreaming up new ideas, where can I get a job doing that? I live in England though. Sorry Justin, but I had to ask.
Reply Wed 11 Oct, 2006 08:52 pm
Justin, that's great, thanks.

pilgrimshost, if you check out some of the forums like Penciljack, or Gutterzombie; there are artists that are always looking for conceptual writings for their works. Most of them don't pay a lot, but it's always good for your portfolio.

Nickelodeon hires often too, but the best thing is to just look for writers, and offer your concepts to them.
Don't forget to get intellectual property patents on anything over nine pages, since it can be a cutthroat career path.

I hope this doesn't fall into the "spam" category, since neither of the sites are mine, and I was asked to provide the info...(spam free sites, by the way)
Reply Thu 12 Oct, 2006 03:22 am
Aristoddler wrote:

Don't forget to get intellectual property patents on anything over nine pages, since it can be a cutthroat career path.

Excuse me but, did you ever actually attempt to apply for such an "intellectual property patent"?

It surprises me that the misapprehension arises so often over this.

With regard to the sort of conceptual design discussed above, if I have correctly understood the description of it, there is surely no such thing as a patent.

The general rule, internationally, is that Copyright applies by default. It belongs to an owner. Whoever did the work or whoever he sold the rights to is entitled to the benefit of it, on the strength of being able to prove the fact of the matter, and it applies immediately, with no need to register, nor with any need for a copyright notice to be displayed.

The award of a "patent" is another issue, about novel designs that apply for utility. The design might apply as something like a web page script, which would in turn apply purposefully, but not to writings which of themselves are the finished product.

I may yet start a thread to discuss this in ethical terms, because the enforcement of copyright is a notoriously grey area, legal decisions being very much a matter of discretion with regard to the circumstance.

-- RH.
Reply Thu 12 Oct, 2006 04:20 pm
When I was referring to Intellectual Patent, I was actually meaning Intellectual Property.
Slip of the brain, sorry about that.

When I apply for Intellectual Patents; it's on the design of something that is an innovation of an already existing product.
For example, if I were to take a television, and give it mobility so it can follow you around the house...then I would apply for an intellectual patent until the design is completed, so nobody can steal my concept without giving me due credit.
I would also apply, if I were to establish a catch phrase, like "eat my shorts" or "YOU'RE FIRED!" since it is not a physical item which I can patent, nor is it literary, which I can copyright.

My literary jumblings are copyrighted, as well as my artwork.
Reply Fri 13 Oct, 2006 08:13 pm
My wife is considering joining here.

Now I really have to watch what I say, I guess.
Reply Sat 14 Oct, 2006 02:20 am
Aristoddler wrote:
My wife is considering joining here.
Now I really have to watch what I say, I guess.

The danger is that others will watch what you say.

-- RH.
Reply Sat 14 Oct, 2006 08:14 am
I have no concerns of what I say, or what people hear me say.
Just what topics might flare into our lives away from the keyboard, since some topics have been deemed off-limits between us, since we can only agree to disagree on them. Theology being the main one...she doubts god, and I question God...believe it or not; those are incredibly opposite views.
Reply Sat 14 Oct, 2006 10:27 am
Aristoddler wrote:
I have no concerns of what I say, or what people hear me say.

Nothing private?
All to be revealed, naked?
Privacy is a concept that fascinates me to reason with in terms of ethics and law.

-- RH.
Reply Mon 16 Oct, 2006 09:12 pm
Yes naked...

What I meant is that I'm not concerned about saying anything stupid or condemning.
Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 04:08 am
The inherent peril is that of misinterpretation.

With emotional issues especially a very wide range of meanings may be ascribed to the same terms and events, with horribly unfortunate results.

--- RH.
Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2006 07:02 pm
If the respondant is prone to irrational outbursts, then yes.
Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 12:19 am
"Prone" is moot but "irrational" beside my point.
A supposed understanding may be commendably calm, considered and rational but profoundly mistaken, because a presumption was wrong.

This is something that the awareness of increases with maturity: People assume that they know in advance; they understand what somebody else has said in terms of what they would have meant if they themselves had said it, but without having walked the same mile in the same shoes, so to speak.

As often as not then, when they think they've said something about somebody else, they have really said it about themselves.

-- RH.
Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2006 04:54 pm
That's my experience with people who presume things.
Often, the assumption becomes a belief.
Often, this belief becomes a rememberance of false statements.
Often, these false statements are brought up in future conversations, and are immediate cause for heated debates.

This is something that increases with the gap between maturity and immaturity, as far as I have seen.
A younger or less mature person assumes something...the older or more mature person is set in their way, and an argument ensues between ego and experience.

But you are most correct, in the statement that people do tend to understand what people have said as if it were themselves who have spoken it.
This is why men and women fight, some would say...since women are from Venus and men are from Mars; their thought processes are different, so "take out the garbage" becomes, "watch the game for a few more innings, and rush to the curb in the morning when you hear the back-up alarm of the garbage truck, then please blame me for not telling you it was garbage night."
de Silentio
Reply Mon 31 Dec, 2007 07:32 pm
I've seen your name around the forum, but just got what it is suppose to mean, and I love it.

Just thought I would let you know.

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  3. » My intro...days later
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